Probleme mit server

Alles was mit Enemy Territory zu tun hat
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: Mi 17. Aug 2005, 11:30
Wohnort: Alsdorf

Probleme mit server

Beitrag von **KASI**KGB** »

Hi haben ein kleines problem und wissen nicht weiter, hoffe das ihr uns helfen könnt. Haben einen et-pup server aufgesetzt. Jedesmal wenn man ein team beitrten will ob axis oder allies wird man immer wieder ins spec geworfen ca. 3 mal oder wenn die respawnziet abgelaufen ist. das vertreibt natürlich unsere gamer die zocken wollen. Hoffe ihr könnt uns helfen.

Ehren Member
Ehren Member
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Registriert: Sa 1. Feb 2003, 17:37

Beitrag von City][Schubi »

Kleiner Tip am Rande: 1) GameserverIP posten, 2) ServerConfig posten
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: Mi 17. Aug 2005, 11:30
Wohnort: Alsdorf

Beitrag von **KASI**KGB** »

// etpub mod - Sample Server.cfg file
// Updated for etpub 0.5.2
// NOTE: On ET versions older than 2.60 the .cfg file size limit may not allow
// you to use this file as a configuration. If you have ET older than 2.60 and
// experience problems using this config, you shouls strip out the comments or
// use the uncommented sample .cfg file.

// *****************************************************************************
// * General ET Settings (non-ETPub mod) ***************************************
// *****************************************************************************

// NOTE: It is recommended you set these three variables via the command line
// instead of through this file. If you run into problems starting your server,
// you should move these commands to your command line before tyring anything
// else. Your command line arguments might look like this (it is all one line,
// of course):
// +set fs_game shrub +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip
// +set net_port 27980 +exec server.cfg

// dedicated [integer]
// Strongly recommend you move this parameter to the command line as described
// above!
// 1 - Dedicated server for lan
// 2 - Dedicated server for internet
// [Default: 2]
//set dedicated 2

// net_ip [string]
// Set the IP address ET server uses
// Strongly recommend you move this parameter to the command line as described
// above!
// [Default: "localhost"]
//set net_ip ""

// net_port [integer]
// Set port number ET server uses
// Strongly recommend you move this parameter to the command line as described
// above!
// [Default: 27960]
//set net_port 27980


// sv_maxclients [integer]
// Number of players, including private slots
// [Default: 20]
set sv_maxclients 56

// g_password [string]
// Any player joining will have to enter this password. Leave blank for no
// password
// [Default: ""]
set g_password ""

// sv_privateclients [integer]
// If set > 0, then this number of client slots will be reserved for connections
// [Default: 0]
set sv_privateclients 6

// sv_privatepassword [string]
// Password to use for private client slots (sv_privateclients)
// [Default: ""]
set sv_privatepassword ""

// rconpassword [string]
// Remote console access password
// [Default: ""]
set rconpassword ""

// refereePassword [string]
// Referee password
// [Default: ""]
set refereePassword ""


// sv_maxRate [integer]
// The maximum bandwidth to use per connected player in (bytes per second).
// The higher the sv_maxrate, the better the gameplay, but more bandwidth is
// used. 10000 is probably the absolute minimum that should be used, but 13000
// and above makes for much better gameplay. The maximum value for this setting
// is 25000.
// [Default: 0]
set sv_maxRate 45000

// sv_dl_maxRate [integer]
// The rate in bits per second for in-game file downloads. The max value is
// 42000. This can make for very slow downloads (42000 bits per second equals
// 5.2 KB/s). If you are hosting a server with custom maps, it is recommended
// you switch to HTTP or FTP downloads.
// [Default: 42000]
set sv_dl_maxRate 45000

// sv_allowDownload [0|1]
// Toggle all downloads. 0 Means turn off all downloads, 1 means downloads are
// enabled.
// [Default: 1]
set sv_allowDownload 1

// sv_wwwDownload [0|1]
// Enable alternate/redirected download method (FTP or HTTP). 0 means disabled,
// 1 means enabled. For a very thorough explanation of alternate download
// configuration, visit the following web site:
// ... loads.html
// [Default: 0]
set sv_wwwDownload 1

// sv_wwwBaseURL [string]
// Base URL for redirected downloads (eg: "",
// "", or ""
// [Default: ""]
set sv_wwwBaseURL ""

// sv_wwwDlDisconnected [0|1]
// if 1, clients will download files while disconnected from the server. If 0,
// clients will stay connected to the ET server while downloading files.
// [Default: 0]
set sv_wwwDlDisconnected 0

// sv_wwwFallbackURL [string]
// URL to send the client to if the file download fails.
// [Default: ""]
set sv_wwwFallbackURL ""

// sv_fullmsg [string]
// Server can give alternate messages to "server is full" by changing this cvar.
// This setting can also be configured to redirect a client to an alternate
// server by setting sv_fullmsg in the format "ET://"
// [Default: "Server is full."]
set sv_fullmsg "Server is full."


// sv_hostname [string]
// The name of your server as it will be displayed in the server listings. This
// setting should include any color markup you desire.
// [Default: "ETHost"]
set sv_hostname "^3*^1KGB^3*^2Zentrale^42^3*^1XP^3*stats^3*

// server_motd0 [string]
// through
// server_motd5 [string]
// The message of the day. This is the block of text that appears on the bottom
// right hand corner between maps. If you leave any server_motd message blank,
// the following server_motd lines will not display.
// [Default server_motd0: " ^NEnemy Territory ^7MOTD "
// [Default (Others): ""]
set server_motd0 " ^1Respect all Players"
set server_motd1 "^1No Spawnkill ^2or Teamkill"
set server_motd2 "^8Speak German or english"
set server_motd3 "^458 Player Slots"
set server_motd4 "^310 maps Cmpaign"
set server_motd5 " ^"


// g_heavyWeaponRestriction [integer]
// Heavy weapon and artillery restrictions. For a thorough explanation of this
// setting, visit:
// ... tions.html
// [Default: 100]
set g_heavyWeaponRestriction 20

// g_antilag [0|1]
// Unlags players with slow pings
// [Default: 1]
set g_antilag 1

// g_altStopwatchMode [0|1]
// If enabled (value of 1), stopwatch mode runs in ABAB mode instead of ABBA.
// [Default: 0]
set g_altStopwatchMode 0

// g_autofireteams [0|1]
// If enabled, players will be automatically put into fireteams upon joining
// a game.
// [Default: 1]
set g_autofireteams 1

// g_complaintlimit [integer]
// A player will be kicked after this number of complaints. (A complaint occurrs
// when friendly fire is on, and a player kills a teammate. The killed teammate
// has a chance to file a complaint after the team kill)
// [Default: 6]
set g_complaintlimit 6

// g_ipcomplaintlimit [integer]
// Similar to g_complaintlimit, this setting is the number of complaints FROM
// DIFFERENT IP ADDRESSES after which the offending player is kicked. If the
// team-killing player kills many different teammates and they all file
// complaints, then this limit will be reached sooner than g_complaintlimit
// [Default: 3]
set g_ipcomplaintlimit 3

// g_fastres [0|1]
// If enabled, player is instantly active after being revived.
// [Default: 0]
set g_fastres 0

// g_friendlyFire [0|1]
// If enabled, players can shoot/harm their teammates.
// [Default: 1]
set g_friendlyFire 1

// g_gametype [integer]
// This should be set in the map rotation script. Sets the gametype:
// 2 - Objective
// 3 - Stopwatch
// 4 - Campaign
// 5 - LMS (Last Man Standing)
// [Default: 4]
//set g_gametype 4

// g_minGameClients [integer]
// The minimum number of players needed for a round to begin
// [Default: 8]
set g_minGameClients 1

// g_maxlives [integer]
// If set to a non-zero value, this is the maximum number of times a player can
// respawn. If set to zero, there is no limit.
// [Default: 0]
set g_maxlives 0

// g_alliedmaxlives [integer]
// The maximum number of lives for a player on the allies team. If set to a
// non-zero value, this value overrides the g_maxlives setting.
// [Default: 0]
set g_alliedmaxlives 0

// g_axismaxlives [integer]
// The maximum number of lives for a player on the axis team. If set to a
// non-zero value, this value overrides the g_maxlives setting.
// [Default: 0]
set g_axismaxlives 0

// g_teamforcebalance [0|1]
// If enabled, players cannot join a team with more players than the other team.
// [Default: 0]
set g_teamforcebalance 0

// g_noTeamSwitching [0|1]
// If enabled, prevents a player from switching teams.
// [Default: 0]
set g_noTeamSwitching 0

// g_voiceChatsAllowed [integer]
// Limits the number of vsays a player can say within 30 (or so) seconds of each
// other
// [Default: 4]
set g_voiceChatsAllowed 4

// g_doWarmup [0|1]
// Enable or disable the warmup before a match
// [Default: 0]
set g_doWarmup 0

// g_warmup [integer]
// Warmup time in seconds.
// [Default: 60]
set g_warmup 20

// sv_allowDownload [0|1]
// Set to 1 to allow players to download missing files form the server
// [Default: 1]
set sv_allowDownload 1

// sv_pure [0|1]
// Checks to make sure that client file match those of the server. This is a
// basic anti-cheat functionality.
// [Default: 1]
set sv_pure 1

// sv_minping [integer]
// Minimum ping (in milliseconds) a player must have to be able to connect to
// the server. A value of 0 means no limit.
// [Default: 0]
set sv_minping 0

// sv_maxping [integer]
// Maximum ping (in milliseconds) a player must have to be able to connect to
// the server. A value of 0 means no limit.
// [Default: 0]
set sv_maxping 400

// match_latejoin [0|1]
// If enabled, players can join a match after it has begun.
// [Default: 1]
set match_latejoin "1"

// match_minplayers [integer]
// Minimum number of players to start a match
// [Default: 4]
set match_minplayers 0

// match_mutespecs [0|1]
// If enabled, spectators cannot talk while a match is taking place
// [Default: 0]
set match_mutespecs 0

// match_readypercent [integer]
// The percentage of players that must be ready before a match can begin
// [Default: 100]
set match_readypercent 80

// match_timeoutcount [integer]
// The numbers of non-referee players can pause a match in progress.
// [Default: 3]
set match_timeoutcount 3

// match_warmupDamage [0|1]
// Enables friendly fire during the warmup.
// [Default: 1]
set match_warmupDamage 1

// team_maxplayers [integer]
// The maximum number of players that can join each team. 0 means no limit.
// [Default: 0]
set team_maxplayers 0

// g_speed [integer]
// Speed of the players.
// [Default: 320]
set g_speed 320

// g_gravity [integer]
// Gravity in the game.
// [Default: 800]
set g_gravity 800

// g_knockback [integer]
// The amount of knockback experienced when a player is shot.
// [Default: 1000]
set g_knockback 1000

// g_inactivity [integer]
// The length of time (in seconds) a player must be in a team and idle in order
// to get auto-kicked. (0 = Infinite)
// [Default: 0]
set g_inactivity 0

// g_spectatorInactivity 0
// The amount of time (in seconds) a spectator must be idle in order to get
// auto-kicked. (0 = Infinite)
// [Default: 0]
set g_spectatorInactivity 0


// g_allowVote [0|1]
// Enables players to call votes.
// [Default: 1]
set g_allowVote 1

// vote_limit [integer]
// Maximum number of votes per map.
// [Default: 5]
set vote_limit 5

// vote_percent [integer]
// Percent of all players that must vote yes for a vote to pass
// [Default: 50]
set vote_percent 50

// Allowed votes [0|1]
// [Default for vote_allow_referee, vote_allow_timelimit: 0]
// [Default for all others: 1]
set vote_allow_comp 0
set vote_allow_gametype 0
set vote_allow_kick 0
set vote_allow_map 0
set vote_allow_matchreset 0
set vote_allow_mutespecs 0
set vote_allow_nextmap 0
set vote_allow_pub 0
set vote_allow_referee 0
set vote_allow_shuffleteams 0
set vote_allow_swapteams 0
set vote_allow_friendlyfire 0
set vote_allow_timelimit 0
set vote_allow_warmupdamage 0
set vote_allow_antilag 0
set vote_allow_balancedteams 0
set vote_allow_muting 0


// sv_punkbuster is a readonly variable. Use +set sv_punkbuster on command line
// or use the command pb_sv_enable in the console.

exec punkbuster.cfg // Punkbuster Settings


// g_log [string]
// Filename of the server log file. "" disables logging to a log file
// [Default: "etserver.log"]
set g_log "etserver.log"

// logfile [integer]
// Console logging (the console log is a different file than the server log
// file specified by the g_log setting). If enabled, the file will be called
// etconsole.log. These are the possible values:
// 0 - Console logging disabled
// 1 - Enabled
// 2 - Enabled and synchronized (recommended setting if you use etadmin_mod)
// [Default: 0]
set logfile 2


// Unless you know what you are doing, do not change these. These master server
// settings allow for maximum visibility of your new server
set sv_master1 ""
set sv_master2 ""
set sv_master3 ""
set sv_master4 ""
set sv_master5 ""

// *****************************************************************************
// * ETPub Mod Settings ********************************************************
// *****************************************************************************

// g_shrubbot [filename]
// This should be set to the name of your shrubbot.cfg file if you want to
// enable shrubbot. See shrubbot documentation for more information about this
// file.
// Shrubbot functionality depends on punkbuster's GUID, so don't turn this on
// unless you have punkbuster enabled on your server.
// NOTE: If g_shrubbot is set to "", then NONE OF THE ! COMMANDS WILL WORK!
// [Default: "shrubbot.cfg"]
set g_shrubbot "shrubbot.cfg"

// g_logAdmin [filename]
// The name of the file that all shrubbot commands will be logged to.
// [Default: "shrub-admin.log"]
set g_logAdmin "shrub-admin.log"

// g_hitsounds [0|1]
// This is a bitflag cvar that supports the following values
// 1 - Enables hitsounds
// 2 - Disables hitsounds when shooting wounded players.
// 4 - Disable the headshot sounds when shooting wounded players in the head.
// Default hitsound will be used in it's place unless the 2 flag is set.
// 8 - Disable the "hold your fire" sound that would normally be played when
// shooting a teammate for the first time.
// 16 - Disable hitsounds from poison damage.
// A client will hear a sound when they damage another player. The sounds it
// uses are ones that are included in the pak0.pk3 file so it does not require
// additonal file downloads to use this mod.
// A client can disable hitsounds by running
// /setu cg_hitsounds 0
// before connecting to the server, or toggle hitsounds on the fly with the
// /hitsounds command.
// [Default: 0]
set g_hitsounds 1

// The hitsounds used are configurable with the following cvars:

// g_hitsound_default [filename]
// Hitsound for body shot.
// [Default: "sound/weapons/impact/flesh2.wav"]
set g_hitsound_default "sound/weapons/impact/flesh2.wav"

// g_hitsound_helmet [filename]
// Hitsound for hitting a player's helmet
// [Default: "sound/weapons/impact/metal4.wav"]
set g_hitsound_helmet "sound/weapons/impact/metal4.wav"

// g_hitsound_head [filename]
// Hitsound for headshots
// [Default: "sound/weapons/impact/flesh4.wav"]
set g_hitsound_head "sound/weapons/impact/flesh4.wav"

// g_hitsound_team_warn_axis [filename]
// Hitshound
// [Default: "sound/chat/axis/26a.wav"]
set g_hitsound_team_warn_axis "sound/chat/axis/26a.wav"

// g_hitsound_team_warn_allies [filename]
// Hitsound
// [Default: "sound/chat/allies/26a.wav"]
set g_hitsound_team_warn_allies "sound/chat/allies/26a.wav"

// g_hitsound_team_helmet [filename]
// Hitsound
// [Default: "sound/weapons/impact/metal4.wav"]
set g_hitsound_team_helmet "sound/weapons/impact/metal4.wav"

// g_hitsound_team_head [filename]
// Hitsound
// [Default: "sound/weapons/impact/flesh4.wav"]
set g_hitsound_team_head "sound/weapons/impact/flesh4.wav"

// g_hitsound_team_default [filename]
// Hitsound
// [Default: "sound/weapons/impact/flesh2.wav"]
set g_hitsound_team_default "sound/weapons/impact/flesh2.wav"

// g_shoveSound [string]
// The sound that a player emits when shoved. Set this to "" to disable it.
// [Default "sound/weapons/grenade/gren_throw.wav"]
set g_shoveSound "sound/weapons/grenade/gren_throw.wav"

// g_poisonSound [string]
// The sound that a poisoned player emits every second. Set this to "" to
// disable it.
// [Default: "sound/player/gurp2.wav"]
set g_poisonSound "sound/player/gurp2.wav"

// g_fightSound [string]
// The sound that will play at the end of warmup or when the match is unpaused.
// Example
// set g_fightSound "sound/world/rooster.wav"
// Set this to "" to disable it.
// [Default: ""]
set g_fightSound "sound/world/rooster.wav"

// g_playDead [0|1]
// Allows players use the 'playdead' command and their character will act like
// it is dead until the playdead command is issued again (or they really die).
// [Default: 0]
set g_playDead 1

// g_shove [integer]
// Allows players to push other players with the "use" key. The integer adjusts
// the amount of force players shove with. 80 seems fair.
// NOTE: starting with etpub 0.5.1, this number has been changed to (hopefully)
// be more compatible with the value used in shrubet. You will need to turn down
// this value greatly when upgrading from earlier versions of etpub.
// [Defeault: 0]
set g_shove 130

// g_shoveNoZ [0|1]
// Set this to 1 if you want to disable shove in the up/down direction (a.k.a
// "boosting").
// [Default: 0]
set g_shoveNoZ 0

// g_dragCorpse [0|1]
// Allows players do drag wounded players with the use key when moving backward
// slowly. Works best when crouching or prone.
// [Default: 0]
set g_dragCorpse 1

// g_classChange [0|1]
// Allows players to take the class of a gibbed teammate temporarily similarly
// to how a covert steals a uniform. Class changing does not latch, so the
// original class the player had will be restored on respawn.
// [Default: 0]
set g_classChange 1

// g_forceLimboHealth [0|1]
// If set to 0 it takes about 3 shots to gib a wounded player, if set to 1 it
// takes about 5.
// [Default: 1]
set g_forceLimboHealth 2

// g_privateMessages [0|1]
// If set to 1, players can send private messages to one another with the m
// command. Example:
// /m tjw you totally suck!
// Players can also type '/m tjw you totally suck' in the 'chat' dialog box and
// it will be recognized as a private message.
// Starting in 0.2.1 players can also type '/m tjw you totally suck' in the
// 'chat' dialog box and it will be recognized as a private message.
// Starting in 0.5.1, clients can reject private message from other individual
// clients with the /ignore client command.
// [Default: 0]
set g_privateMessages 1

// g_XPSave [bitmask]
// This is a bitflag with the following values (Add the desired values up to set
// your options):
// 1 - Store xp when a client disconnects
// 2 - Don't reset xp to the pre-map start values on a map restart, shuffle,
// etc.
// 4 - Never reset xp (ever).
// 8 - Force the disconnection of clients with the same GUID as the connecting
// client. This is useful in saving the stored XP of players with unreliable
// network connections since they should still get their stored XP even if
// reconnecting immediately with a new IP address. This feature is enabled
// by default unless you have sv_wwwDlDisconnected enabled.
// sv_wwwDlDisconnected seems to interfere with this feature, so do not
// enable this flag if you change pk3's on your server often because stored
// XP will be lost over disconencted downloads.
// Storing XP on disconnect depends on the punkbuster guid, so don't turn this
// on unless you have punkbuster enabled on your server.
// [Default: 0]
set g_XPSave 7

// g_weapons [bitmask]
// This is meant to match the shrubmod g_weapons cvar, but so far the only
// implemented flags are:
// 2 - Syringes work underwater
// 4 - Pliers work underwater
// 8 - Fully restore Field ops charge bar if airstrike is aborted
// 16 - Half restore FIeld ops charge bar if airstrike is aborted
// 32 - Ammo packs restore helmets
// 128 - Soldiers with level 4 heavy weapons don't lose their pistols
// 256 - garands can reload when not clip is not empty
// [Default: 0]
set g_weapons 142

// g_goomba [integer]
// If set to a positive integer, players can damage each other by landing on
// each other. The integer is multiplier that determines how much damage should
// be done to the player that was fallen on. Also the impact for the falling
// player will be broken so that they only recieve 20% of the damage they would
// have normally. It is also possible to do small amounts of damage (5HP) to
// other players by hopping up and down on them.
// Falling damage can be either 500, 50, 25, 15, or 10 depending on the length
// of the fall. So if you set g_goomba to 5 and land on a player from a fall
// that would have damaged you 10HP, you will inflict 50HP of damage on the
// player you land on, and you will only recieve 2HP of damage.
// See also g_goombaFlags
// Set this to 0 to disable it
// [Default: 0]
set g_goomba 156

// g_goombaFlags [integer]
// This is a bitflag cvar that controls the way g_goomba is handled. Currently
// the following flags are supported:
// 1 - Cannot do goomba damage to teammates
// 2 - Short falls (hopping) on another player does no damage.
// 4 - Short falls (hopping) does no damage to teammates. (not necessary if 1 or
// 2 flag is set)
// 8 - Falling player recieves no damage when landing on any other player.
// (default is to recieve 20% of the damage the fall would have given if not
// landing on a player).
// 16 - Insta-gib goomba. All goomba damage will be 500HP regardless of fall
// distance. The exception is hopping on anther player which still does 5HP
// of damage.
// Set this to 31 to have g_goomba work like shrubet.
// [Default: 0]
set g_goombaFlags 31

// g_spinCorpse [0|1]
// Allow players to use +left and +right binds to spin their corpse when dead or
// playing dead. Clients can bind a key by typing this into their console:
// "/bind leftarrow +left" and so on.
// [Default: 0]
set g_spinCorpse 1

// g_teamChangeKills [1|0]
// If set to 0, players are allowed one non-killing team change per respawn
// cycle. If a player changes teams, he will be instantly spawned in the other
// teams default spawn point. Players will die (but not lose a life) if they
// change teams a second time in one spawn cycle.
// [Default: 1]
set g_teamChangeKills 1

//g_spawnInvul [integer]
// The number of seconds players will be invincible after they spawn. The default is 3.
set g_spawnInvul 1.5

//g_alliedSpawnInvul [integer]
// The number of seconds Allied players will be invincible after they spawn.
//This will override g_spawnInvul if not 0, default is 0
//g_axisSpawnInvul [integer]
// The number of seconds Axis players will be invincible after they spawn.
//This will override g_spawnInvul if not 0, default is 0

// g_activeTeamBalance [integer]
// g_ATB_minXP [integer]
// g_ATB_minPlayers [integer]
// g_ATB_axisHoldoff [integer]
// g_ATB_alliedHoldoff [integer]
// Active Team Balance watches the team XP during the match and will force the
// top player of the dominant team to switch teams when his/her team hits it's
// respawn time if the following criteria is met:
// 1. One team has at least g_ATB_minXP (default 300) team XP.
// 2. There are at least g_ATB_minPlayers (default 5) players playing
// 3. The resulting team change will not give one team an advantage by number of
// players unless:
// A. If 16 or more people are playing, the losing team may get up to a 1
// player advantage.
// B. If 26 or more people are playing, the losing team may get up to a 2
// player advantage.
// 4. The winning team is ahead in team XP by a margin of g_activeTeamBalance
// percent.
// For example, setting
// g_activeTeamBalance 50
// A player would be moved if he/she was the top player on the team and his/her
// team had 750XP and the other team had 500XP.
// You can also adjust the rate at which ATB moves players with the
// g_ATB_axisHoldoff (default 5) and g_ATB_alliedHoldoff (default 5) cvars.
// For example, if g_ATB_axisHoldoff is set to 5 and an axis player is moved to
// the allied team, ATB will take no other action until the axis spawn timer
// cycles 5 times.
// NOTE: this calculation is based on TeamXP NOT the total XP of all the players
// on the team. TeamXP is the total score earned for the team by all players on
// the team during the map. When a player changes teams, the TeamXP they earned
// for their team does not move with them.
// Set g_activeTeamBalance to 0 to deactivate it.
// [Default g_activeTeamBalance: 0]
// [Default g_ATB_minXP: 300]
// [Default g_ATB_minPlayers: 5]
// [Default g_ATB_axisHoldoff: 5]
// [Default g_ATB_alliedHoldoff: 5]
set g_activeTeamBalance 0
set g_ATB_minXP 300
set g_ATB_minPlayers 5
set g_ATB_axisHoldoff 5
set g_ATB_alliedHoldoff 5

// g_ATB_swap [1|0]
// If set to 1, one of 3 loweset scoring players on the losing team will be
// moved to the winning team when ATB acts (unless the losing team has less
// players).
// [Default: 1]
set g_ATB_swap 1

// g_ATB_rating [integer]
// Sets the rating system used by Active Team Balance. The following options are
// supported:
// 1 - Use player XP
// 2 - Use the rate at which players have gained XP since connecting.
// 3 - Use the killRating (g_killRating must be enabled)
// [Default: 1]
set g_ATB_rating 1

// g_mapConfigs [string]
// When a new map starts, load the map specific config file named [mapname].cfg
// in the folder [string]. For example if you set g_mapConfigs to 'mapcfg', when
// the map fueldump starts, the server will try to exec 'mapcfg/fueldump.cfg'.
// Set this to "" to disable it.
// Set this to "." to look for the cfg file in the current directory
// (fs_home_path).
// [Default: "."]
set g_mapConfigs "."

// g_packDistance [integer]
// Set the velocity at which health packs and ammo packs are thrown. Set this to
// 0 to make it just like etmain. The settings should be similar to shrubet so
// set this to 2 for a subtle improvement.
// [Default: 0]
set g_packDistance 4

// g_dropHealth [integer]
// If set to a positive integer, medics will drop [integer] number of health
// packs when they are gibbed. If set to -1, medics will drop the number of
// health packs that they could have dropped at the moment of their death. Set
// this to 0 to turn it off.
// [Default: 0]
set g_dropHealth -1

// g_dropAmmo [integer]
// If set to a positive integer, fieldops will drop [integer] number of ammo
// packs when they are gibbed. If set to -1, fieldops will drop the number of
// ammo packs that they could have dropped at the moment of their death.
// Set this to 0 to turn it off.
// [Default: 0]
set g_dropAmmo -1

// g_tossDistance [integer]
// Set the velocity at which health or ammo packs are tossed from the dead body
// when g_dropHealth or g_dropAmmo are activated. This changes the distance that
// these packs travel from the corpse.
// [Default: 0]
set g_tossDistance 1

// g_logOptions [integer]
// This is meant to match the shrubmod g_logOptions cvar, but so far the only
// implemented flag is:
// 1 - Use server-side obituaries displayed in chat instead of cpm. Will
// increase bandwidth usage. This will not have any effect unless
// g_obituary is set to 3.
// 128 - GUIDs are logged in the game log
// 256 - Log all private messages (/m commands)
// 512 - Logs the real time into logs, instead of the normal uptime of the
// server
// 2048 - Print TK death message like a normal kill message, stating killing
// weapon, except it is preceeded by a red TEAMKILL: identifier. Only
// works if g_obituary is set to 3.
// [Default: 0]
set g_logOptions 0

// g_censor [string]
// [string] is a comma delimited string of words that will be sensored from
// chat.
// [Default: ""]
set g_censor ""

// g_censorNames [string]
// A comma delimited string of words that will be censored from player names.
// [Default: ""]
set g_censorNames ""

// g_censorPenalty [integer]
// This is a bitflag that currently supports the following flags:
// 1 - Kill the player
// 2 - Kick players with names containing words in g_censorNames
// 4 - Kill, but don't gib
// 8 - Auto-mute for g_censorMuteTime [60] seconds.
// [Default: 0]
set g_censorPenalty 1

// g_censorMuteTime [integer]
// The number of seconds to auto-mute as a censor penalty. Only works if bitflag
// 8 is added to g_censorPenalty.
// [Default: 60]
set g_censorMuteTime 30

// g_intermissionTime [integer]
// Set the length of time the end of game screens displays before loading the
// next map. The client will still countdown from 60 to 0 no matter what this is
// set to. Set this to 60 for default behaviour.
// [Default: 60]
set g_intermissionTime 10

// g_intermissionReadyPercent [integer]
// The percent of connected players who need to hit the "READY" button to move
// on to the next map without waiting g_intermissionTime to run out. Set this to
// 100 for default behaviour.
// [Default: 100]
set g_intermissionReadyPercent 80

// g_skills [bitmap]
// This is a bitflag cvar that currently supports the following flags:
// 1 - Players with level 4 battle sense can spot landmines for teammates.
// 2 - Players with level 4 engineering can keep the flak jacket for other
// classes.
// 4 - Players with level 4 first aid can keep adrenaline for other classes.
// [Default: 0]
set g_skills 7

//g_misc 1/0 Doublejump
set g_misc 1
set g_doubleJumpHeight 1.1

// g_hitboxes [integer]
// This is a bitflag cvar that currently supports the following flags:
// 1 - Lower the standing player's body hitbox to the shoulders.
// 2 - Lower the crouching player's body hitbox to the shoulders.
// 4 - Lower the wounded player's body hitbox to a reasonable height
// 8 - Lower the prone player's body hitbox to a reasonable height
// 16 - Lower the playdead player's body hitbox to a reasonable height
// The default is 31 which means use all of the improved hitboxes. Set it to 0
// to use the unmodified hitboxes from etmain.
// See for comparision screen shots.
// [Default: 31]
set g_hitboxes 31

// g_skipCorrection [1|0]
// Set this to 1 to enable Neil Toronto's unlagged2 skip correction. This will
// smooth out the movement of players with high packet loss (to a degree).
// This is similar to etpro's antiwarp, but has some differences. Neil likes
// this version better, bani likes his better.
// This replaces g_smoothClients from etmain.
// You can find a demo that shows g_skipCorrection in action at:
// [Default: 1]
set g_skipCorrection 1

// g_maxWarp [integer]
// This allows you to control the amount of "warping" that players with high
// packet loss can do. The [integer] is the number of server frames that you
// allow a player to miss before their next movement is put in check.
// A server frame is 50ms on a typical server (sv_fps set to 20). This means
// that if you set g_maxWarp to 5 you won't allow players to warp from point
// A to point B if that distance takes an normal player 1/4 of a second to
// travel. Setting this to 1 is a good way to drive off just about everyone from
// your server.
// As far as I can tell, 1000ms is allowed by default in the game, so setting
// this to any value higher than 39 should have no effect if sv_fps is set to
// 10.
// You can find a demo that shows g_maxWarp in action at:
// [Default: 4]
set g_maxWarp 1

// g_teamDamageRestriction [integer]
// When greater than 0, anybody that has this percentage of hits
// inflicted on a teammate will automatically be kicked. A minimum of g_minhits
// hits total required before this is calculated. Client can see current stats
// for themselves by doing a /damage in console. Implemented to mimic shrub
// behavior as much as is possible, there are other ways to implement this
// feature, which may be implemented in addition to current manner.
// [Default: 0]
set g_teamDamageRestriction 0

// g_minHits [integer]
// Minimum number of damaging hits required before calculating if
// player has reached g_teamDamageRestriction threshold. Flamethrower and
// landmine hits are adjusted similar to shrub. Medics get -2 hits for every
// revive.
// [Default: 6]
set g_minHits 6

// g_autoTempBan [0|1]
// When set, anyone kicked because of the g_teamDamageRestriction setting will
// be temporarily banned for g_autoTempBanTime seconds
// [Default: 0]
set g_autoTempBan 0

// g_autoTempBanTime [integer]
// The number of seconds kicked for when g_autoTempBan is set
// [Default: 1800]
set g_autoTempBanTime 1800

// g_voting [integer]
// This is a bitflag cvar that supports the following flags:
// 1 - Votes will pass on the number of votes cast rather than total eligible
// voters.
// 2 - Votes that pass do not count against the vote_limit for the caller.
// 4 - " (called by NAME)" is appended to the vote description where NAME is the
// name of the player that called the vote.
// [Default: 0]
set g_voting 0

// g_poison [integer]
// Gives medics the ability to poison enemies by sticking with their medic
// syringe. Enemies will be damaged at g_poison/second when g_poison is set to
// a value more than 0. Setting to 0 will disable poison needles. Primitive
// shake added to destabilize player being poisoned
// [Default: 0]
set g_poison 1

// g_poisonFlags [integer]
// This bitflag cvar controls the effects of g_poison. The following flags are
// supported:
// 1 - Poisoned player's screen shakes.
// 2 - Other players see the poisoned player's head shaking.
// 4 - Poisoned player appears to bend over (hurl) every 2 seconds. (poisoned
// player does not see this happen.)
// 8 - Poisoned player cannot use +attack. NOTE: because of client side
// prediction, the client may see the gun firing occasionally if they hold
// down +attack, but no shots are fired.
// 16 - Poisoned player is disoriented (view turned upside down).
// [Default: 7]
set g_poisonFlags 3

// g_slashKill [bitmask]
// Default (0) Bitmask that controls the behavior of the /kill command.
// Currently, only the 8 flag is implemented
// 1 - Player spawns with half charge bar after /kill
// 2 - Player spawns with 0 charge bar after /kill
// 4 - Restores the charge bar to the same state it was in at the moment the
// player issued /kill (regardless of how long they were in limbo)
// 8 - Disables /kill command
// 16 - Disable /kill when player is poisoned
// See also g_fear
//[Default: 0]
set g_slashKill 0

// g_spectator [integer]
// This is a bitmask that controls spectator behaviour. It supports the
// following flags:
// 1 - When in freelook mode, you can 'fire' at a player to follow. If you miss
// a player, nothing happens.
// 2 - When in freelook mode with the 1 flag set, if you shoot and miss you
// start following the next available player.
// 4 - When the player you're following goes into limbo, don't move to the next
// available player.
// 8 - When the player you're following goes into limbo, go to freelook instead
// of following the next available player. (4 has precedence)
// [Default: 0]
set g_spectator 2

// g_medics [bitmask]
// Bitmask to control various aspects of the medic, to nerf or otherwise change\
// their behavior. Currently supported flags include:
// 1 - Medics can't pick up their own health packs to cure themselves of poison
// needle effects
// 2 - Medics can't pick up their own health packs at all
// 4 - Medics regenerate health at 2HP/second until 110 HP, then 1HP/second
// until max
// 8 - Medics regnerate health at 1HP/second until 110 HP, then no regeneration
// after that
// Flag 4 will take priority over flag 8 if both are set
// [Default: 0]
set g_medics 12

// g_truePing [0|1]
// Allows players to see the true amount of time it takes until their actions
// are processed on the server. Pings will show around 50 ms higher than normal,
// but it's more accurate. Shows in the scoreboard.
// [Default: 0]
set g_truePing 1

// g_dropObj [integer]
// Sets the number of times a player can drop/toss the objective (e.g. parts on
// radar) per life.
// The parts are dropped by pressing the +activate key (usually bound to F) when
// there's nothing else around to be activated.
// Before enabling this recall how spammy the voiceovers can be. Then picture a
// player tossing the parts to himself over and over again. For this reason you
// probably don't want to set this very high.
// Starting in 0.4.4 players must switch to knife in order to drop the
// objective. If they are not holding knife and hit +activate they will see a
// message that notifies them that they must switch to knife. This change was
// made to prevent accidental dropping of the objective when trying to push,
// drag, pick up, or activate something else.
// [Default: 0]
set g_dropObj 0

// skill_soldier [string]
// skill_medic [string]
// skill_engineer [string]
// skill_fieldops [string]
// skill_coverops [string]
// skill_battlesense [string]
// skill_lightweapons [string]
// These variables allow customization of the experience points necessary to go
// up in ranks. These settings consist of four space-separated integers
// indicating the number of XP required to go up a rank. A string such as
// "3 10 10 10" indicates that 3 points are required to go up the first rank,
// and the next three ranks are granted when the players has 10 points. If, for
// example, you want to grant akimbo pistols upon the first kill, you would set
// skill_lightweapons to "3 3 3 3".
// [Default (all): "0 0 0 0"]
set skill_soldier "20 50 90 140"
set skill_medic "20 50 90 140"
set skill_engineer "20 50 90 140"
set skill_fieldops "20 50 90 140"
set skill_covertops "20 50 90 140"
set skill_battlesense "20 50 90 140"
set skill_lightweapons "20 50 90 140"

// g_serverInfo [integer]
// Use this cvar to change the behaviour of the 'serverinfo' string. This string
// is printed in response to the 'getstatus' primative command used by game
// browsers. This is a bitflag cvar that currently accepts the following flags:
// 1 - Display player team information using the 'P' cvar in the server info
// string. (etpro and etmain 2.60 behaviour)
// 2 - Display player team information using the 'Players_Axis' and
// 'Players_Allies' cvars in the server info string.
// 4 - Display the 'campaign_maps' cvar in the server info string. This contains
// a comma delimited list off all the maps in the current campaign. Only
// works if you have g_gametype set to 4.
// 8 - Displays campaign status info, giving number of current map, and total
// maps in current campaign, in form of xx,yy (i.e. 4,10) for when playing
// map 4 of a 10 map campaign. Uses the cvar C
// 16 - Starting with 0.5.1, the class charge times will not be present in the
// serverInfo string unless this flag is set. They were removed by default
// in order to make room in the server info string for more useful
// information. These cvars are g_medicChargeTime, g_engineerChargeTime,
// g_LTChargeTime, g_covertopChargeTime, g_soldierChargeTime.
// NOTE: this cvar MUST be set prior to loading the first map. You will not be
// able to change this cvar once the game code is loaded.
// NOTE: the serverInfo string has a fixed length of 1024 characters. This space
// is shared with any cvar you create on your server with the 'sets' command.
// If you use up too much space with 'sets', your server will fail to start. It
// will print the message "Info string length exceeded" if you don't have enough
// space left in your serverinfo string to handle the g_serverInfo flags you've
// selected. To fix this, either remove some sets cvars from your config, or use
// different g_serverInfo flags.
// [Default: 1]
set g_serverInfo 1

// g_killRating [integer]
// g_killRating is a bitflag variable.
// When not set to 0 etpub will track a player's killing ability using an ELO
// type statistic similar to chess. Each kill will increase a player's kill
// rating based on how hard the kill was. Killing unskilled players will result
// in very few points whereas an unskilled player killing a skilled player will
// result in more points. Kill rating also takes into account the weapon used
// (less for arty, more for knife).
// Here are the bitflag options:
// 1 - Use kill rating. A dummy flag since any non-zero value for g_killRating
// will enable it.
// 2 - Make kill rating visible. Players can use /killrating and at the end of
// each map a message will display the top killers for the map and overall.
// 4 - Use kill rating to shuffle the teams.
// See also g_ATB_rating.
// [Default: 7]
set g_killRating 7

// g_stats [integer]
// This is a bitflag cvar used to control the way statistics are handled. The
// following flags are supported:
// 1 - When shooting a corpse to gib, do not count it as a hit.
// 2 - When shooting a corpse to gib, do not count it as a shot.
// Set this to 3 to use the behaviour of etmain and shrubet.
// [Default: 0]
set g_stats 3

// g_tyranny [0|1]
// This cvar controls the use of administrator commands that could be used by
// admins to cheat or abuse players. If it is set to 0 you will not be able to
// use commands on your server such as !gib, !slap, !burn, etc.
// Also, you will not be able to use g_logOptions flag 256 (log private
// messages) unless g_tyranny is enabled.
// g_tyranny must also be enabled in order to specify a client in using the
// 'playsound' server command.
// 'g_tyranny' and its value appear in the serverInfo string to serve as a
// warning for perspective players.
// NOTE: If you enable this, you MUST do so immediately when the server starts
// (before the first map is loaded). This means putting
// set g_tyranny 1
// in the .cfg file that is exec'ed on server start. If you try to change this
// on a running server, you will get the message:
// g_tyranny is read only.
// [Default: 0]
set g_tyranny 1

// g_mapScriptDirectory [string]
// Similar to ETPro's b_mapscriptsdirectory. Set it to the name of a directory
// in your fs_path that contains custom map scripts.
// For example you can copy the 'etpromapscripts' directory from the ETPro
// distribution to your 'etpub' directory and add:
// set g_mapScriptDirectory "etpromapscripts"
// to your cfg.
// Setting this to "" disables it.
// [Default: ""]
set g_mapScriptDirectory ""

// g_campaignFile [string]
// Similar to ETPro's b_campaignFile. If you set this to the name of a file in
// your fs_path it will be interpreted as a .campaign script and all other
// .campaign scripts in your pk3 files will be ignored.
// This is useful for making custom campaigns since you don't need to offer a
// pk3 file containing a custom .campaign script for all clients to download.
// However, if the client has not downloaded this .campaign file in a pk3, they
// will not see information about the campaign. Such information includes:
// * Will not display in the VOTE -> MAP list
// * Map locations will not draw on the map of Europe.
// * Campaign description will not draw in the right panel
// * Total number of maps and current maps order in the campaign will not be
// shown in the intermission screens.
// Also, even though the built-in campaigns cmpgn_centraleurope and
// cmpgn_northafrica will not be valid, they will still appear in the client's
// VOTE -> MAP menu. If a vote for one of them passes, nothing will happen.
// Setting this to "" disables it.
// [Default: ""]
set g_campaignFile ""

// vote_allow_surrender [1|0]
// vote_allow_nextcampaign [1|0]
// vote_allow_restartcampaign [1|0]
// vote_allow_poll [1|0]
// Cvars that restrict the rights of players to use the respective /callvote
// command.
// [Default for all: 1]
set vote_allow_surrender 0
set vote_allow_nextcampaign 0
set vote_allow_restartcampaign 0
set vote_allow_poll 0

// g_fear [integer]
// If a player uses the /kill command within g_fear milliseconds after taking
// damage from an enemy, the attacker that last damaged that player will recieve
// full credit for the kill and the mode of death will be recorded as MOD_FEAR.
// Other restrictions are that the attacker must be on the opposite team and the
// attacker must still be alive.
// In-game statistics will reflect that the death was caused by the weapon that
// did the last recorded damage to the player.
// Set this to 0 to disable this behaviour.
// [Default: 2000]
set g_fear 2000

// g_msgs [integer]
// The duration, in seconds, between messages displayed to all users. Set
// messages by setting the g_msg1, g_msg2, g_msg3 . . . g_msgX cvars. These
// must be set consecutively, the first blank or missing number in the order
// will cycle the message back to the first message
// [Default: 0]
set g_msgs 30

// g_msgX [string]
// Sets the banners/messages to be displayed to all users, needs g_msgs set
// to positive value. Also set g_msgpos for appropriate placement of banner
// X must be consecutively numbered, they will reset to banner 1 when it
// encounters a blank or missing number
set g_msg1 "^1Willkommen bei ^3***^1KGB^2Zentrale^3***"
set g_msg2 "Homepages" "^3WWW.^2ENEMY^3-^1KGB^"
set g_msg3 "Location" "^0Deutschland^1///^3Hessen^1///^3BERLIN"
set g_msg4 "^2Server IP" "^1217.172.44.142:27980"
set g_msg6 "^2Speak German ^1OR English"
set g_msg7 "^258 Player-Slots"
set g_msg8 "When your teamplayer is dead you can change the uniform for an other soldat"
set g_msg9 "^2When you disconnect do update your ^1Punk Buster"
set g_msg10 "///^3www.^2ENEMY^3-^1KGB^"
set g_msg11 ""
set g_hunkmegs "256"

// g_msgpos [integer]
// The locations of messages, if g_msgs is non-zero, and g_msgX cvars are set
// 0 - Chat area (default)
// 1 - Center screen
// 2 - Left notification area
// [Default: 0]
set g_msgpos 1

// g_obituary [integer]
// This cvar controls how player Obituaries are handled. Obituarys are the
// messages normally printed in the cpm space with a skull next to them to
// notify all players of another player's death.
// Available options are:
// 0 - Obituaries are disabled.
// 1 - All Obituaries will ALWAYS be handled by the client with the EV_OBITUARY
// event. Since the etmain client does not know about some etpub MODs (e.g.
// MOD_GOOMBA) the default message will be printed for those deaths.
// 2 - Only those Obituaries that the etmain client knows how to handle will be
// handled by the client. If someone is killed by a MOD that the etmain
// client doesn't know about, the Obituary is generated by the server.
// 3 - All Obituaries are handled by the server and the EV_OBITUARY event is
// never sent to the client. This results in "Instant Obituaries". This
// comes at the cost of increased network bandwidth and absence of the skull
// icon in the obituaries.
// See also g_logOptions.
// [Default: 2]
set g_obituary 2

set team_maxPanzers 2
set team_maxMortars 2
set team_maxFlamers 1
set team_maxMG42s 0
set team_maxGrenLaunchers 0
set g_maxTeamLandmines 10

sets ".Administrator" "***Cheech*KGB***") // (these settings show up in server browsers like ASE)
//sets ".Email" "" // (your contact email for thanks/server problems etc)
//sets ".URL" "" // (advertise your website)
sets ".Location" "Germany/Switzerland" // (the city and country the server is in)
sets ".Connection" "100mbit" // (the connection the server uses)

// *****************************************************************************
// * Final ET Settings/Commands (non-ETPub mod) ********************************
// *****************************************************************************


exec high.cfg // Campaign mode
//exec high.cfg // Objective mode
//exec lmscycle.cfg // Last Man Standing mode
//exec stopwatchcycle.cfg // Stopwatch mode


// in case the game dies with an ERR_DROP
// or any situation leading to server running with no map
set com_watchdog 60
set com_watchdog_cmd "exec high.cfg"

etadmin_mod Sounds
t_etadminModSupport 1/0
enable (1) or disable (0) all sounds for etadmin mod
default: 1

t_multiKillSound 1/0
enable (1) or disable (0) multikill sound.
default: 1

t_monsterKillSound 1/0
enable (1) or disable (0) monsterkill sound.
default: 1

t_firstBloodSound 1/0
enable (1) or disable (0) first blood sound.
default: 1

t_spreeSounds 1/0
enable (1) or disable (0) all killing spree sounds. also the death spree sound.
default: 1

t_spreeSound 1/0
t_rampageSound 1/0
t_dominatingSound 1/0
t_unstoppableSound 1/0
t_godlikeSound 1/0
t_wickedSound 1/0
t_potterSound 1/0
enable (1) or disable (0) the appropriate spree sound.
default: 1

t_deathSpreeSound 1/0
enable (1) or disable (0) the death spree sound.
default: 1

cause server admins can change the killing spree messages and positions in the
etadmin config file the sounds may not work on servers with custom spree
messages. to get the sounds to work the messages must contain the following
strings, case-insensitive. color codes are ignored.

multikill = multikill
monsterkill = monsterkill
first blood = first blood
deathspree = deaths w/o kill - or - deaths without a kill

spree = a killing spree
rampage = rampage
dominating = dominating
unstoppable = unstoppable
godlike = godlike
wicked = wicked sick
potter = real potter

also the positions for the messages in the etadmin config file must be
"cp" or "chat" for the sounds to work. the position of the monsterkill
message must be "cp"
Beiträge: 1130
Registriert: Fr 27. Dez 2002, 03:33
Wohnort: Dresden, im schönen sachsen wo die schönsten mädchen wachsen
Alter: 45

Beitrag von tspoon »

// sv_maxRate [integer]
// The maximum bandwidth to use per connected player in (bytes per second).
// The higher the sv_maxrate, the better the gameplay, but more bandwidth is
// used. 10000 is probably the absolute minimum that should be used, but 13000
// and above makes for much better gameplay. The maximum value for this setting
// is 25000.
// [Default: 0]
set sv_maxRate 45000

^^ FEHLER setz das mal auf 25000

// sv_dl_maxRate [integer]
// The rate in bits per second for in-game file downloads. The max value is
// 42000. This can make for very slow downloads (42000 bits per second equals
// 5.2 KB/s). If you are hosting a server with custom maps, it is recommended
// you switch to HTTP or FTP downloads.
// [Default: 42000]
set sv_dl_maxRate 45000

^^ maximal werte beachten tztz auf 42000 setzen

Solltest du irgendwo noch sv_fps festgesetzt haben bedenke das da nen maximalwert von 25 empfohlen ist je nach cpuleistung des servers

AMD GAME! Ultra System

Beiträge: 6
Registriert: Mi 17. Aug 2005, 11:30
Wohnort: Alsdorf

Beitrag von **KASI**KGB** »

Danke werden wir direkt mal testen.
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: Mi 17. Aug 2005, 11:30
Wohnort: Alsdorf

Beitrag von **KASI**KGB** »

du bist deer beste funst einwandfrei. Vielen dank vom KGB clan.
