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ETQWPro 0.55

Verfasst: Fr 23. Mai 2008, 23:59
von silver
<img src="newsbilder/etqwpro.jpg" align="left" border="0">EXTRABLATT, EXTRABLATT: Al Capone wegen Steuerhinterziehung verurteilt. Ok Spaß beiseite. Nur zwei Tage nach dem Release von Enemy Territory: Quake Wars 1.5 ist nun auch schon ein Update für ETQWPro verfügbar. Es ist allerdings nicht die erwartete Version 0.6, sondern erst Version 0.55. Es handelt sich fürs Erste um eine Beta, um ETQWPro unter ETQW 1.5 zur Verfügung zu stellen. Der Quellcode wurde ein wenig ausgemistet und die FPS Drops sollten nun der Vergangenheit angehören. Falls noch Probleme auftreten, kann man diese im Forum von posten.

Wichtigesten Features in 0.55
  • ==Fixes==
    * Fixed console being black on a high detail + enabled AA config
    * possible FPS drop fix, because of new Spread Manager
    * Fixed several bugs in local play mode, you should be able to actually play vs bots
    * Bots wont call timeouts anymore
    * Fixed the TV Chat issue

    * removed es_debugspread
    * removed the server TV Admin Backend.
    * removed switchhud command
    * removed the minhud
    * removed ec_autoaction

    ==New Features==
    * Panzerfaust and Oblitorator make more damage against vehicles
    * Custom Maps Megatexture can be downloaded directly from the server. Be sure to have a look at the Custom Content Section
    * added a non context way to switch weapons.
    * added a new Console command for TV servers. (cpm "")
    prints a message on the server (currently in the chatarea).
    Happy spamming! Viewers can disable those messages with (g_noTVChat)
    * Made it possible to permit shooting in a vehicle at all (es_allowAttackFromVehicles)
    * Made it possible to permit dropping stryobombs from an icarus (es_allowIcarusAttack)
    * Added es_unlockSprint, enables the speed upgrade from the Battlesense Award
    * Added es_maxMinesPerPlayer, give the constructor / engineer x mines at spawn
    * Added es_mod_grenade_count to use a modified grenade count (set to 1, and strogg/gdf only get one grenade)
    * Added es_mod_ammo_count to use a modified ammo count (set to 1 and gdf get more ammo)
    * Changed es_headshotsOnly. 1 = Only headshots do damage, 2 = first headshot kills the enemy
Click here to download the File ETQWPro 0.55 (9,2MB)
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