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Hilfe!! wie bring ich ein home host ET server mit NQ 1.2.0 !

Verfasst: Fr 29. Aug 2008, 16:02
von Killer Clown
Halo ich kan mir irgenwie vorstellen das so was änliches schonmal gefragt wurde aber ich find nix , ok jetz zu meim problem ich will einen Et home host server mit der et version 2.55 zum laufen bringen der Nq 1.2.0 hat und ne schrubot hab ich auch noch net . und die zeit 4 stunden zu googeln hab ich leider auch net . ich wär sehr fro wen mir jemand helfen würde .Das währ sehr sehr net.Ich bedank mich schon mal für die posts . (wen das in einen anderen teil des vorums rein komt dan tut es mir leid)
mfg Killer Clown

Verfasst: Fr 29. Aug 2008, 19:29
von Phishermans Phriend
Also ich bin kein Profi, ich versuche, helfend zu sein, wenn das alles Quatsch ist, dann weg mit dem Post.

Muss es ET 2.55 sein? 2.60b wird wahrschienlich besser sein. Also ich hab es so gemacht mit meinem Lan-Server:

Ich hab mir hier ET runtergeladen.
Dann hab ich mir hier den Patch auf v2.60 geladen.
Dann hier den Patch auf v2.60b.
Dann hier NoQuarter 1.2.0 fixed.
Dann hab ich mithilfe der noquarter-commented.cfg die noquarter.cfg so konfiguriert, dass sie mir gefallen hat.
Dann habe ich noch ein paar Skinpacks und Soundpacks geladen, habe Kleidung und Gesichter angepasst und habe schließlich noch ein Uncut-Skinpack draufgemacht.
Dann hab ich das ganze mit WinRAR gepackt und wenn ich mal auf ner LAN-Party bin, dann kann ich jedem das WinRAR-File geben, jeder installiert sich das und dann können wir ET spielen.

Ich hoffe, ich habe dir geholfen, ich helfe dir auch gerne noch weiter, aber wie gesagt, bin ein ziemlicher Noob.
Ich kann mein konfiguriertes ET auch mal hochladen, wenn das rechtemäßig erlaubt ist und wenn du interessiert bist.

Verfasst: Fr 29. Aug 2008, 21:26
von Killer Clown
ja danke das würde mir auch helfen wen ich einen lan server machen wolte (dumm von mir das nicht zu erwänen) das ganze solte für einen clan sein der im i-net zockt. Und deswegen ist es unerläslich das der server die version 2.55 hat . ich hab schon versucht einen server auf 2.60b zu machen is ja auch besser wegen dem ETDED das hat auch nicht so richtig geklapt ich blicks halt nicht wie ich den NQ lade und wo ich den NQ und so hinmachen (in welchen ordner) sol ich bin beim home host server machen ein echter vollnoob

Verfasst: Fr 29. Aug 2008, 22:49
von |bTc|ClawFire
wie man grob einen win home server erstellt forum/viewtopic.php?t=6841

alle cvars findest du hier ... itle=CVARS
wie man eine shrubbot.cfg erstellt, hier ... e=Shrubbot

Verfasst: Fr 29. Aug 2008, 22:54
von Killer Clown
ja tol das is für en 2.60b server aber wen man die et version 2.55 hat kan man da dan net drauf Conekten

Verfasst: Sa 30. Aug 2008, 03:14
von WoodSTokk
Wenn du einen 2.55 haben willst, dann installierst du eben nur 2.55.
Daß darauf nur Spieler mit ET 2.55 spielen können ist logisch, da 2.55 das Protocol Version 82 hat.
Mit dem Patch auf 2.56 wurde das Protocol geändert und bekam die Version 83, wodurch es zu 2.55 nicht mehr kompatibel ist.
Mit dem Patch 2.60 kam die nächste Änderung auf Version 84.
Kurz um: die ET Versionen 2.55, 2.56 und 2.60 sind untereinander nicht kompatibel!
Nur 2.60 und 2.60b vertragen sich, da nichts am Protocol geändert wurde.

Wenn du also einen 2.55er machst, können auch nur Leute darauf spielen die ebenfalls 2.55 installiert haben.
Ob darauf NoQuarter 1.2.0 läuft, ist eine andere Frage die ich dir nicht beantworten kann.
Die Homepage zu NoQuarter sollte es dir aber verraten.

mfG WoodSTokk

PS: ET-Test arbeitet mit Protocol 71 und ist natürlich zu den anderen ET's ebenfalls nicht kompatibel.

Verfasst: Sa 30. Aug 2008, 11:36
von Killer Clown
Ja das diese versionen untereinander nicht kompatibel sind wuste ich auch ;) Also ich hab jetz einen 2.60b server auf die beine gestelt der leuft auch aber ich brauch noch ne schrubot cfg und eine adminlvl.cfg (ich kan die selber nicht machen^^) wäre net wen mir hir einer eine postet odern Dl link postet würde mich freuen und das ich den server später auf 2.55 mache is ja klar wird aber hart wie sol ich dan da den NQ ladn :?:

mfg Killer Clown

Verfasst: Sa 30. Aug 2008, 16:47
von |bTc|ClawFire
wieso kannst du deine shrubbot.cfg nicht selber machen?
verstehe ich net!!!
einfach mal 10 min. hingesetzt und dann ist dat teil fertig. ändern kannste immer noch

Verfasst: So 31. Aug 2008, 23:25
von Killer Clown
wiel ichs nich blick !!!!!!!!!!! :oops:

Verfasst: Mo 1. Sep 2008, 01:30
von Killer Clown
ok das mit der shrubbot cfg hat sich geklärt hab mir eine aus dem i net geholt das einzige was bis jetz net get is xp save und ich weis immer noch nicht wie ich das ganze auf 2.55 zum laufen bring.bitte helft mir :cry:

Verfasst: Mo 1. Sep 2008, 14:44
von |bTc|ClawFire
2.55 unterscheidet sich in der installation um genau 1 punkt zu 2.60
einfach den 2.60 patch NICHT installieren

doch nq ist für 2.60 ausgelegt und nicht für 2.55

xpsave findest du hier ... e=XP_CVARs

wenn du weiterhin probleme hast, dann bitte beschreibe genau was nicht inhaut, was du schon probiert hast und poste deine dazugehörigen einstellunge. weil meine kristallkugel ist momentan in der werkstatt, sorry

Verfasst: Mo 1. Sep 2008, 18:01
von Killer Clown
Also wen jemand zeit hat und net ist ;) Könte einer kuken ob alles richtig eingestelt ist

Server.cfg (net_ip ist normalerwise eingetragen und die paswörter auch )

\\ Wolfenstein Enemy Territory Server Maker \\
\\ Vampiro \\
\\ ICQ: 160091901 \\
\\ MAIL: \\
\\ URL: \\



set dedicated "2"
set net_ip ""
set net_port "27960"

\\Clients and passwords\\

set sv_maxclients "20"
set g_password ""
set sv_privateclients "1"
set sv_privatepassword ""
set rconpassword "****"
set refereePassword "****"

\\DL & RATE\\

set sv_maxRate "13000"
set sv_dl_maxRate "42000"
set sv_allowDownload "1"
set sv_wwwDownload "0"
set sv_wwwBaseURL ""
set sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0"
set sv_wwwFallbackURL ""

\\MOTD & Hostname\\

set sv_hostname "^1X-Test"
set server_motd0 "HI"
set server_motd1 ""
set server_motd2 ""
set server_motd3 ""
set server_motd4 ""
set server_motd5 ""

\\MISC Settings\\

set g_heavyWeaponRestriction "100"
set g_antilag "1"
set g_altStopwatchMode "0"
set g_complaintlimit "6"
set g_ipcomplaintlimit "3"
set g_fastres "0"
set g_friendlyFire "1"
set g_minGameClients "8"
set g_maxlives "0"
set g_alliedmaxlives "0"
set g_axismaxlives "0"
set g_teamforcebalance "1"
set g_noTeamSwitching "0"
set g_voiceChatsAllowed "4"
set g_doWarmup "0"
set g_warmup "30"
set g_spectatorInactivity "0"
set sv_floodProtect "1"
set sv_pure "1"
set sv_minping "0"
set sv_maxping "400"
set match_latejoin "1"
set match_minplayers "4"
set match_mutespecs "0"
set match_readypercent "100"
set match_timeoutcount "0"
set match_warmupDamage "1"
set team_maxplayers "0"
set team_nocontrols "1"
set pmove_fixed "0"
set pmove_msec "8"
set team_maxPanzers "1"
set sv_fps "20"
set g_autofireteams "1"
set logfile "0"
set g_log "server.log"
set g_gametype "4"
set com_hunkmegs "54"
set com_zonemegs "24"
set sv_allowAnonymous "1"




sets CPU ""
sets Connection ""
sets Administrator "Xeraser"
sets ICQ ""
sets MSN ""
sets MAIL ""
sets Location ""
sets URL ""


set g_lms_teamForceBalance "1"
set g_lms_roundlimit "3"
set g_lms_matchlimit "2"
set g_lms_currentMatch "0"
set g_lms_lockTeams "0"
set g_lms_followTeamOnly "0"

\\Master Servers\\

seta sv_master1 ""
seta sv_master2 ""
seta sv_master3 ""
seta sv_master4 ""


set g_allowVote "1"
set vote_limit "6"
set vote_allow_comp "0"
set vote_allow_gametype "1"
set vote_allow_kick "1"
set vote_allow_map "1"
set vote_allow_matchreset "1"
set vote_allow_mutespecs "0"
set vote_allow_nextmap "1"
set vote_allow_pub "0"
set vote_allow_referee "1"
set vote_allow_shuffleteams "1"
set vote_allow_swapteams "1"
set vote_allow_friendlyfire "1"
set vote_allow_timelimit "1"
set vote_allow_warmupdamage "1"
set vote_allow_antilag "1"
set vote_allow_balancedteams "1"
set vote_allow_muting "1"

\\Rotation or map\\

exec campaigncycle.cfg
exec noquarter.cfg

// No Quarter 1.2.0 sample config
// - S.S.Meyerinchains - 3/20/2007
// - IRATA [*] - 6/24/2008
// Visit for more documentation
// This config is for reference only, do not use!

//* Omni-Bots * //

// Omnibot_Enable - Enables omnibots. Requires Omnibot 0.6 installation
set Omnibot_Enable 0

// Omnitbot_Path - The path to the directory containing omnibot_et binary file.
set Omnibot_Path ""

//* Exclusive No Quarter CVARS * //

set g_XPSave "1" //Xp save on mit 1 off mit 0
// ip_max_clients - limits the number of simultaneous connections per IP. Prevents q3fill attacks. Since most families that play from
// one IP don't usually use more than 3 at once, 3 is default, set higher if you get complaints about that, though 3 is still
// recommended for most cases.
set ip_max_clients "3"

// g_SBCheats - Much like g_tyranny, this prevents even admins with the proper powers to use cheating shrubbot commands.
// Such commands include !ammopack, !medpack, !revive, !disguise and !give
set g_SBcheats "1"

// g_adrenaline - Customize behavior of adrenaline
// 1 - Spawn with no adrenaline needles, can only get them from ammo packs
// 2 - Ammo packs do not contain adrenaline needles
// 4 - Can only carry one needle at a time
// 8 - Adrenaline only boosts stamina, not health
// 16 - Adrenaline only boosts health, not stamina
// 32 - Adrenaline causes player's eyes to glow red when used
// Default: 0
set g_adrenaline "32"

// g_noAttacklInvul - Removes spawn shield from a player once they begin to attack.
// Default: 0
set g_noAttacklInvul "1"

// g_defaultMute - The time, in seconds, that a mute command will last if no time parameter is entered.
// Default: 3600 (1 hour)
set g_defaultMute "3600"

// g_weaponItems - customize how weapons are dropped upon limbo death
// 0 - Drop no weapons upon limbo death
// 1 - Drop primary weapon upon limbo death (default ET)
// 2 - Drops secondary weapons (pistols) upon limbo death
// 4 - Extra clips are included when you pickup a dropped weapon
// 8 - Pick up ammo you need from dropped weapons, but leave the gun and what ammo is left on the ground
// 16 - Do not pickup dropped weapons you don't need, guns that you already have, (but with no ammo),
// or if you have full ammo or that particular gun
// 32 - Do not ammo clips from dropped Garands
// Default: 1
set g_weaponItems "7"

// g_missileHealth - Sets the amount of health a panzer/bazooka missile has.
// Set this to 0 to make missiles indestructible.
// Default: 5
set g_missileHealth "5"

// g_missileSpeed - Sets the speed a panzer/bazooka missile travels at.
// Set to 0 to enable default speed. Values over 300 are ignored if Guided Rockets are enabled.
// Default: 0
set g_missileSpeed "0!

// g_bulletReflect - Shooting at metal surfaces will reflect
// the bullets back at the appropriate angle.
// 1 - Reflect weapons that are set to reflect bullets
// 2 - Reflect all weapons
// Default: 0
set g_bulletReflect "0"

// g_falloff - Toggles falloff damage
// Default: 1
set g_falloff "1"

// g_missileGravity - Sets gravity on Panzer and Bazooka rockets. This is not a bitmask.
// 1 - Strong gravity
// 2 - Weak gravity (realistic)
// Default: 0
set g_missileGravity "2"

// g_fastBackStab - Backstabs insta-gibs players into limbo,
// making them unrevivable. Will play a unique animation on
// the stabbed player.
// Default: 0
set g_fastBackStab "0"

// g_realism - A few flags to add a bit of realism to the gameplay.
// 1 - Play transition animations when going prone and standing up
// from prone, overall it slows standing up from proning drastically.
// 2 - Cannot use weapons while holding onto ladders
// Default: 0
set g_realism "0"

// g_announcer - killing spree announcer can be disabled by setting this to 0.
// 0 - Disable announcer
// 1 - Announce killing sprees
// 2 - Announce death sprees
// 4 - Announce multikills
// Default: 7
set g_announcer "7"

// g_flushItems - Allows dropped items to lay flush with the angle of the ground
// they are on. May cause items to turn when they hit the ground.
// Default: 1
set g_flushItems "1"

// g_painAnims - Shows pain animations. This is a serverside CVAR because the pain
// animations effect where the head hitbox is, when coupled with g_realHead.
// Default: 0
set g_painAnims "0"

// g_painChance - If g_painAnims is set to 1, this sets the percentage that a pain
// animation will be played when hurt. Accepts values from 0 to 100.
// Default: 25
set g_painChance "25"

// g_smokeColor_Allies - The randomness of color for Allied airstrikes and landmine
// smoke. Setting these colors to zero, will make your smoke look flat in color, like
// covert ops smoke does. Setting them high, like up to 1, will make the smoke have
// high contrast.
// ... moke_Color
// Values: [red green blue alpha]
// Default: "0.1 0.1 0.6 0.0"
set g_smokeColor_Allies "0.1 0.1 0.6 0.0"

// g_smokeMod_Allies - The constant of color for Allied airstrikes and landmine smoke.
// This give your smoke their main color. Recommended values are .5 or less, otherwise
// your smoke may look to flat in color.
// ... moke_Color
// Values: [red green blue alpha]
// Default: "0.0 0.0 0.1 0.5"
set g_smokeMod_Allies "0.0 0.0 0.1 0.5"

// g_smokeColor_Axis - The randomness of color for Axis airstrikes and landmine
// smoke. Setting these colors to zero, will make your smoke look flat in color, like
// covert ops smoke does. Setting them high, like up to 1, will make the smoke have
// high contrast.
// ... moke_Color
// Values: [red green blue alpha]
// Default: "0.6 0.1 0.1 0.0"
set g_smokeColor_Axis "0.6 0.1 0.1 0.0"

// g_smokeMod_Axis - The constant of color for Axis airstrikes and landmine smoke.
// This give your smoke their main color. Recommended values are .5 or less, otherwise
// your smoke may look to flat in color.
// ... moke_Color
// Values: [red green blue alpha]
// Default: "0.1 0.0 0.0 0.5"
set g_smokeMod_Axis "0.1 0.0 0.0 0.5"

// g_maxLevel* - These are to cap the max level a player can gain in a skill.
// This is in reaction to the new skill levels in No Quarter. If you don't like them,
// set all these to 5 and you'll never gain a skill above 4. Set them all to 0 to
// disable skills all together.
// Default: "10"

set g_maxLevelBattleSense "10"
set g_maxLevelLightWeapons "10"
set g_maxLevelSoldier "10"
set g_maxLevelMedic "10"
set g_maxLevelEngineer "10"
set g_maxLevelFieldOp "10"
set g_maxLevelCovertOp "10"

// g_multikillTime - The time, in milliseconds, that a player has to make another kill
// to be counted as a multikill. If g_multilkillTime milliseconds pass and a player
// does not make another kill, the multikill is announced and reset.
// Default: 1000
set g_multikillTime 2500

// g_grenadeBonus - Customize the grenade loadout for higher levels
// 1 - Additional grenades for levels above 4
// 2 - Additional bonus grenades for high Light Weapons skill
// Default: 3
set g_grenadeBonus 3

// g_mortarBBox - Puts a bounding box (hitbox) around mortar shells, to prevent them
// from going through small windows and other narrow gaps.
// Default: 0
set g_mortarBBox "1"

// g_shotgunPellets - The number of pellets in a shotgun shell. Values above 50 may cause
// lag, especially with many shotguns. Recommended no higher than 20.
// Default: 12
set g_shotgunPellets 12

// g_weaponScriptsDir - Defines the directory that weapon scripts will be placed to edit
// how weapons behave in NQ.
// Default: ""
set g_weaponScriptsDir ""

// g_spectator - Sets flags for various spectator options.
// 1 - Freelook specs can aim and fire another player to follow.
// 2 - Players will have team colored glow arround them.
// 4 - Show player names above their heads
// Default: 0
set g_spectator "5"

// jp_insanity - New fun modes!
// 1 - Instant Spawn
// 2 - Unlimited Ammo
// 4 - Mortar Cam
// 8 - Rocket Cam
// 16 - Unlimited Charge
// 32 - Guided Rockets
// 64 - Homing Rocketes
// 128 - Unlocked Weapons
// 256 - Venom Mode
set jp_insanity "16"

//* Other CVARS * //

// g_throwDistance - Sets the distance a ammo or health pack is thrown.
// Default: 75
set g_throwDistance "75"

// g_dragCorpse - Enables players to drag wounded teammates to safety.
// Default: 0
set g_dragCorpse "1"

// g_dropObj - Enables players to drop a carried objective by switching to knife and hitting thier activate bind (default F)
// Default: 0
set g_dropObj "1"

// g_slashkill - Change the way /kill behaves.
// 1 - Player spawns with half charge bar after /kill.
// 2 - Player spawns with 0 charge bar after /kill.
// 4 - Restores the charge bar to the same state it was in at the moment the player issued /kill (regardless of how long they were in limbo), (sticky charge).
// 8 - Disables /kill command.
// 16 - Disable /kill when player is poisoned.
// 32 - While in limbo after a /kill, charge bar fills normally.
// 64 - Disable /kill when player is in a fire fight.
// Default: 0
set g_slashkill "0"

// g_spawnInvul - Sets spawn shield protection length.
// Default: 3
set g_spawnInvul "3"

// g_dropAmmo - Sets the amount of ammo packs a Field Ops drops when killed.
// Default: 0
set g_dropAmmo "4"

// g_dropHealth - Sets the amount of med packs a Medic drops when killed.
// Default: 0
set g_dropHealth "4"

// g_shortcuts - Toggles shortcuts for player names, current health and other useful info.
// Default: 0
set g_shortcuts "1"

// g_shrubbot - Sets the name of the shrubbot config file (typically shrubbot.cfg).
// When nothing is set, shrubbot features are disabled.
// Default: ""
set g_shrubbot "shrubbot.cfg"

// g_skills - Allows players to retain skill bonuses when playing other classes.
// 1 - Flak Jacket carries over
// 2 - Adrenaline carries over
// 4 - Enemy recognition carries over
// 8 - Assassin backstab bonus carries over
// 16 - Landmine spotting ability carries over
// Default: 0
set g_skills "16"

// g_msgs - Duration between banner messages setting g_msgX cvars,
// (g_msgs1, g_msg2, etc). The first missing g_msgX cvar will start the message
// cycle over, back to the first message.
// Default: 0
set g_msgs "30"

// g_msgPos - Change the location of banner messages if g_msgs is positive and
// g_msgX cvars are set.
// 0 - Chat area
// 1 - Center of screen
// 2 - Left notification area (CPM)
// Default: 0
set g_msgPos "1"

// g_msgX - Various CVARs that contain messages. g_msgs must be positive for these
// to display. After the last g_msgX is displayed, the cycle will start over.
seta g_msg1 "^?-^3Welcome To ^1 No Quarter^?-^7"
seta g_msg2 "^?|^3Spawn Killing Is Allowed!^?|^7"
seta g_msg3 "^?|^3Don't Be A Jerk!^?|^7"
seta g_msg4 ""

// g_censor - A comma delimited string of words that will be censored from chat.
// Default: ""
set g_censor "fag,gay,shit,fuck,bitch,asshole,homo"

// g_censorMuteTime - When the value of g_censorPenalty contains flag 8, censored
// player will be muted for g_censorMuteTime seconds.
// Default: 60
set g_censorMuteTime "120"

// g_censorNames - A comma delimited string of words that will be censored from
// player names.
// Default: ""
set g_censorNames "H.,osama"

// g_censorPenalty - Sets the penalty for saying a word in the g_censor list.
// 1 - Gib player
// 2 - Kick players with names containing words in g_censorNames
// 4 - Kill player, but don't gib (flag 1 has priority over this)
// 8 - Auto-mute for g_censorMuteTime seconds.
// 16 - Lose 10 XP
// 32 - Burn
// 64 - Poison
// Default: 0
set g_censorPenalty "1"

// g_intermissionTime - Set the length of time the end of game screens displays before
// loading the next map.
// Default: 60
set g_intermissionTime "35"

// g_intermissionReadyPercent - The percent of connected players who need to hit the
// "READY" button to move on to the next map without waiting g_intermissionTime to run out.
// Default: 100
set g_intermissionReadyPercent "75"

// g_mapScriptDirectory - Changes directory for custom mapscripts.
// Similar to ETPro's "b_mapScriptsDirectory".
// Default: ""
//set g_mapScriptDirectory ""

// g_canisterKick - Sets the scale of kicking grenades, airstike cans, and smoke cans.
// Set to 0 to disable. Value of around 60 - 120 is reasonable.
// Default: 0
set g_canisterKick "1"

// g_canisterKickOwner - If canister kicking is set to a positive integer and
// g_canisterKickOnwer is enabled, ownership of a grenade or airstrike changes to the
// last kicker.
// Default: 0
set g_canisterKickOwner "1"

// g_classChange - Toggles team uniform stealing to switch classes.
// Default: 0
set g_classChange 0

// g_constructibleXPsharing - Building objectives gives XP to all engineers building
// an objective while you build it, rather than all at once when it is done. This is
// done to avoid that one engineer that spends a long time building something and then
// another engineer walks up and finishes it off gaining the XP for it.
// Default: 0
set g_constructibleXPsharing "1"

// g_doubleJump - Toggles double jumping.
// Default: 0
set g_doubleJump "1"

// g_doubleJumpHeight - Height boost gained by double jumping.
// Default: 1.4
set g_doubleJumpHeight "1.4"

// g_shove - Sets the strength of player shoving.
// Set to 0 to disable.
// Default: 0
set g_shove "0"

// g_shoveNoZ - Set to 1 to disable boosting when g_shove is enabled.
// Default: 0
set g_shoveNoZ 0

// g_asblock - enable airstrike blocking
// 1 - Make an announcement whenever an airstrike is blocked.
// 2 - A player may easily block an airstrike by crouching, standing, or proning over
// the enemy's canister to block the airstrike.
// 4 - Reserved.
// 8 - Lvl 3 FieldOPs and higher cannot have the airstrikes blocked by players.
// Default: 0
set g_asblock "8"

// g_fear
// Credit given to a player when and opponent uses /kill within g_fear milliseconds.
// Set to 0 to disable.
// Default: 2000
set g_fear 2000

// g_goomba - Players can damage each other by landing on each other.
// The value of g_goomba is a multiplier of how much damage is given.
// Setting this to 0 disables goomba killing.
// Default: 0
set g_goomba "0"

// g_goombaFlags - This is a bitflag cvar that controls the way g_goomba is handled
// 1 - Cannot goomba teammates
// 2 - Hopping on another player does no damage.
// 4 - Hopping on a teammate does no damage.
// 8 - Falling player recieves no damage when landing on any other player.
// 16 - Insta-gib goomba damage.
// Default: 25
set g_goombaFlags "25"

// g_headshot - Enables headshot mode.
// Only headshots from weapons that can make headshots will hurt players.
// Explosions, MGs, shotgun, knives, goombas, etc. will cause no damage.
// Default: 0
set g_headshot "0"

// g_playdead - enabled playing dead with /playdead
// Default: 0
set g_playdead "1"

// g_medics - sets versious flags to customize medics.
// 1 - Medics can't pick up their own health packs to cure themselves of poison needle effects
// 2 - Medics can't pick up their own health packs at all.
// 16 - Medics do not spawn with akimbo pistols, regardless of their light weapons skill
// 32 - Medics spawn with pistol only, and can't pick up SMG of either team However, any class can steal
// a medics uni, if g_classChange is set to 1, and receive the medic benefits while retaining their
// current weapons, including akimbos and SMG
// 64 - Medics can use syringes to heal living teammates as an alternative to the tk/revive cycle, if the
// teammate's health is < 25% their total HP
// 256 - Level 4 medics cannot adrenaline self.
set g_medics "65"

// g_realHead - Head hitbox will follow the animation that is played, just like ETPro.
// This is HIGHLY recommended.
// Default: 1
set g_realHead "1"

// team_max[Weapon] - sets maximum amount of perticular weapons per team.
// Set to -1 to allow unlimited, set to 0 to disable the weapon.
set team_maxPanzers "3"
set team_maxMortars "1"
set team_maxRifleGrenades "1"
set team_maxMG42 "1"
set team_maxFlamers "1"
set team_maxShotguns "1"
set team_maxVenoms "1"
set team_maxLandmines "100"

// team_artyTime - The time (in seconds) that must elapse between artillery strikes per team.
// Default: 10
set team_artyTime "0"

// team_airstrikeTime - The time (in seconds) that must elapse between airstrikes strikes per team.
// Default: 10
set team_airstrikeTime "0"

// g_XPSave - Sets flags for allowing per player XP saving between campaigns, rounds, etc.
// 0 - Disable XP saving
// 1 - Store XP when a client disconnects
// 2 - Don't reset XP to the pre-map start values on a map restart, shuffle, etc..
// 4 - Never ever reset xp
// 8 - Force the disconnection of clients with the same GUID as the connecting client.
// This is useful in saving the stored XP of players with unreliable network connections
// since they should still get their stored XP even if reconnecting immediately with a new IP address
// Default: 0
set g_XPSave "4"

// g_XPSaveDirectory - ABSOLUTE path to a new directory that will contain .xp files.
// This is required for XP save to work.
// Directory must be created before starting your server.
// The path must not be relative like other file CVARs are, meaning, no "xpsave" value for this.
// Something like this will work: "/home/ownername/.etwolf/servername/xpsave"
// Or perhaps: "/home/ownername/noquarter/xpsave"
// Test with a /writexp command to confirm you have set this CVAR properly.
set g_XPSaveDirectory "D:\Programme\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\noquarter\xpsave.cfg"

// g_XPSaveFile - Sets the filename of your old xpsave.cfg that will be converted to new XP format upon starting the server.
// This file will be relative to your fs_game directory (much like g_shrubbot).
// Default: "xpsave.cfg"
set g_XPSaveFile "xpsave.cfg"

// g_XPSaveMaxAge - The number of seconds that must pass without a connection from this player before
// XPSave forgets their XP and skills.
// Default: 86400 (1 day)
set g_XPSaveMaxAge "864000000"

// g_XPDecay - Decays players' XP on the server when set to 1.
// This feature is mainly used with the g_XPSave 4 flag which allows XP to continue building forever.
// 1 - Enable XP Decay
// 2 - Do not decay a player's XP when they are disconnected from the server.
// 4 - Do not decay a player's XP for the class they are currently playing as.
// 8 - Do not decay a player's XP while they are spectating
// 16 - Do not decay a player's XP during warmup/intermission
// 32 - Do not decay a player's XP when he/she is playing on a team.
// 64 - Do not decay a player's Battle Sense XP when he/she is playing.
// 128 - Do not decay a player's Light Weapons XP when he/she is playing.
// Default: 0
set g_XPDecay "0"

// g_XPDecayFloor - This is the minimum that any particular skill can be reduced to by g_XPDecay.
// For example, setting this to 540.0 will ensure that no player will ever lose rank or
// skill levels due to g_XPDecay.
// Default: 0
set g_XPDecayFloor "540"

// g_XPDecayRate - This is the rate (in skill points per second) that XP skill points for EACH
// skill will decay when g_XPDecay is enabled. Setting this to 0.2 would result in a player losing
// 12 points per minute IN ALL SKILLS, so up to 84XP per minute if the player has skill points for each skill.
// Default: 0
set g_XPDecayRate "2"

// g_maxXP - This will reset a players XP once their overall XP score reaches it.
// It useful for servers with XPSave that never resets. Set to -1 to disable.
// Default: -1
set g_maxXP "1000000000"

// skill_[Skill] - Sets the amount of XP required to gain a skill level per class.
// Default: "20 50 90 140 200 270 350 440 540"
seta skill_lightWeapons "20 50 90 140 200 270 350 440 540"
seta skill_battleSense "20 50 90 140 200 270 350 440 540"
seta skill_soldier "20 50 90 140 200 270 350 440 540"
seta skill_medic "20 50 90 140 200 270 350 440 540"
seta skill_engineer "20 50 90 140 200 270 350 440 540"
seta skill_fieldops "20 50 90 140 200 270 350 440 540"
seta skill_covertops "20 50 90 140 200 270 350 440 540"

// g_countryflags - This will activate/deactivate (1/0) geoip on server
// Default: 0
set g_countryflags"0"
Die shrubbot ist ja übervlüssig zu posten da sie ja get

Meine fragen: wie mach ich das mit dem omni-bot ich habe ja NQ im gesamt packet instalirt also da war schon en ordner drin der so heist omni-bot in dem ordner sind dise dateien, und unter dem ordner weapons sind diese dateien,,,,weapon_n,,,weapon_noquarter_mortar2,,,,weapon_noquarter_stenmk2. gm,,
ist das schon die instalatzion von dem omni-bot? Wen jemand lust und zeit hat kan er unter diser ip bei mir mal vorbei schauen ( der server leuft bis er fertig ist auf der ET version 2.60b)

Und jetz zu deinem post ja es stimt das NQ vür ET2.60 ausgelegt, z.b. auf manchen ger servern leuft NQ (das sind aber keine home host server) obwol das 2.55 server sind !!!! wie get das dan bei denen :shock:

Und mein problem ist wen der server leuft wie ich den dan auf ET 2.55 zum laufen bringe Alles in etmain schmeisen ? und dan ein server starten und die server cfg laden ?

mfg Killer Clown

Verfasst: Mo 1. Sep 2008, 19:10
von |bTc|ClawFire
1. sag doch das du einen homeserver betreiben möchtest. daher funktioniert das eintragen der IP nicht. lass die IP frei, da diese sich bei dir eh jedes mal ändert

2. omnibot. lade dir omnibot von runter. entpacke es auf die gleiche ebene wie etmain und noquarter. packe die dateien aus dem noquarter packet, was du runtergeladen hattest, in den omni-bot ordner
set Omnibot_Enable 1
set Omnibot_Path "c:\pfad\zu\ordner\omni-bot"

mit 2.55 hast du immer noch nicht verstanden, oder?
bitte installiere eine frische 2.55 version und packe dort den noquarter und omnibot ordner rein und fertig. ist das denn so schwer zu verstehen???

ich gebs echt so langsam mit dir auf, wirklich!
m bissel mitdenken, bzw. einfach das machen was man dir sagt, ist ja nicht zu viel verlangt!

sorry, aber meine nerven liegen mir bei dir so langsam blank

Verfasst: Mo 1. Sep 2008, 19:16
von Killer Clown
ok danke das du mitm ir so viel gedult hatest

Verfasst: Mo 1. Sep 2008, 22:37
von |bTc|ClawFire
hier steht auch wie man omni-bot aktiviert bei nq ... t_Enabling

NoQuarter 1.2.0 benötigt Omni-Bot 0.66