• Info • Name
  • Wolfenstein Patch 1.11 DE  
    von niGhteviL »
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  • Netviso RemoteStarter (Server & Client) Final v1.00  
    von niGhteviL »
    <<< Netviso - Network Solutions >>>
           << RemoteStarter >>
            << Version 1.00 >>

    Bitte lesen Sie vor der Verwendung des Netviso Remote Starter die Lizenzbestimmung für
    dieses Programm in der Datei 'License.txt' sorgfältig durch.

    1. -Beschreibung-
    Der Remote Starter ist ein Tool, welches dazu dient, ein Programm über Remotesteuerung
    auf einem Remotecomputer auszuführen zu können, ohne direkte Freigaben oder einen
    Windows Remotezugriff zu beanspruchen.


    2. -Bedienung-

    Server und Client (RemoteStarter.exe)

    Nachdem das Programm gestartet wurde, muss ausgewählt werden, ob dieses als
    Server oder Client fungieren soll. Um einen Server und einen Client zu starten,
    starten Sie einfach mehrere Instanzen des Programms.

    Der Server-Teil wird hierbei auf dem Servercomputer, auf welchen zugegriffen
    werden soll ausgeführt. Dabei wird das Programm einfach gestartet, ein Anschluss
    (zwischen 1 und 65535) festgelegt und auf 'Server starten' geklickt.

    Nachdem der Server gestartet ist, wird auf einem anderen Computer der Client
    gestartet. Bei diesem wird zu allererst die IP-Adresse des Computers festgelegt,
    auf welchem der Server-Teil läuft. Nun wird auch hier der Anschluss festgelegt,
    dieser muss gleich dem beim Server angegebenen Anschluss sein.
    Jetzt muss nur noch ein Pfad zu dem zu startenden Programm angegeben werden,
    zu beachten ist hierbei, dass es sich nicht um einen Pfad auf dem Clientcomputer,
    sondern auf dem Servercomputer handelt. Optional können noch Startparameter
    angegeben oder das Programm für den Schnellzugriff gespeichert werden.
    Wenn nun auf 'Anforderung senden' geklickt wird, wird das Programm auf dem Server-
    computer ausgeführt, auf dem Clientcomputer erscheint eine Rückmeldung:

    -"Der Befehl wurde erfolgreich auf dem Remotecomputer ausgeführt."
    -->Es sind keinerlei Fehler aufgetreten

    -"Der Befehl wurde nicht ausgeführt, weil die angegebene Datei auf dem Remotecomputer nicht gefunden wurde."
    -->Möglicherweise ist der Dateipfad falsch oder die Datei existiert nicht

    -"Der Zielcomputer konnte nicht erreicht werden."
    -->Der Servercomputer befindet sich entweder nicht in einem erreichbaren Netzwerk oder wird nicht ausgeführt

    -"Beim Verbindungsvorgang trat ein Fehler auf. Möglicherweise ist die angegebene IP-Adresse ungültig."
    -->Es wurde eine ungültige IP-Adresse angegeben

    -"Beim Ausführen des Befehls trat ein unbekannter Fehler auf."
    -->Es ist ein undefinierter Fehler aufgetreten (Wahrscheinlichkeit: 0%)

    -beide Computer (Server und Client) müssen sich in einem untereinander erreichbaren Netzwerk,
     zum Beispiel LAN oder Internet befinden
    -der angegebene Anschluss muss auf beiden Computern gleich sein
    -der, beim Client angegebene Pfad ist muss auf eine Datei im Dateisystem des Servercomputers
     verweisen, nicht auf das des Clientcomputers

    3. -Changelog-



    Ihr Netviso Team

    Copyright © Netviso 2009
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  • High Quality Sky Boxes (by Avoc)  
    von niGhteviL »
    Hierbei handelt es sich um acht hochauflösende (2048 x 2048 Pixel) Sky Boxes von Avoc, welche ihr zum Beispiel für eure eigenen Maps verwenden könnt.

    Enthaltene Skyboxes:
    -Arabian Nights
    -Blue Clouds
    -Turbulent Blue

    Hier einige Beispiele:

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  • Bobot - Linux - V 4.08 (März 2009)  
    von niGhteviL »
    Diese Modifikation ermöglicht es, W: ET offline gegen Computergegner, sogenannte Bots zu spielen.


    Es genügt, das ZIP-Archiv in das Installationsverzeichnis von Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory zu entpacken.

    Genauere Informationen zur Installationen und zum Server-Hosting gibts hier:
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  • Bobot - Windows - V 4.08  
    von niGhteviL »
    Diese Modifikation ermöglicht es, W: ET offline gegen Computergegner, sogenannte Bots zu spielen.

    Es genügt, das ZIP-Archiv zu entpacken und die enthaltene *.exe-Datei auszuführen.  Das Setup ist ein Mix aus Englisch und Französisch, aber trotzdem überschaubar.
    Als Installationsordner einfach den Installationspfad von Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory auswählen.

    -Spiel starten-
    W:ET - Bobot einfach über die, nach dem Setup angelegte Verknüpfung auf dem Desktop starten, dann einfach einen neuen Server hosten. Drückt man nun im Spiel die <ESC> -Taste, erscheint neben den gewohnten Menü-Einträgen auch ein Eintrag Bobot. Ein Klick darauf ermöglicht es, Bots nach Belieben, ohne die Kenntnis von Konsolenbefehlen hinzufügen - somal man des Englischen mächtig ist.
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  • Wolfpro 0.1 Installer  
    von niGhteviL »
    Wolfpro 0.1 Release
    Changelog: http://forums.myhannes.info/wbb/index.php?page=Thread&postID=872#post872
    Extract the zip file to your games root directory
    start the server with the following arguments: +set fs_game wolfpro
    Extract the zip file to your games root directory
    start the game with the following arguments: +set fs_game wolfpro
    Your configs can remain in the base directory, wolfpro will read them from there
    this might be helpful: http://myhannes.info/wiki/index.php/Client_Setup
    This pak can be modifyd by the client! It contains at the moment the wolfenstein hitsounds
    Replace those files (keep the names) with your own hitsounds to have them working in wolfenstein
    Changelog: wolfpro 0.1 Beta -> wolfpro 0.1
        * 15/20 for bank,hospital,manor & canals
        * 15/25 for facility and tesla
        * Fixed all missing nade / panzerfaust / airstrike / flammenwerfer effects / explosions (first person)
        * Fixed ATI shadow bug
        * Fixed missing effect on tesla ( electrical barrier )
        * Fixed MP40 / MP43 falloff damage ( we need your feedback on that )
        * Fixed weapprev & weapnext fov bug
        * Panzerfaust was reworked. 20 Second shoot delay, no reload, faster, wider splash, more damage
        * HUD health / veil bars are colord now (white to red)
        * HUD fonts are smaller
        * HUD font elements have a shadow
        * Scope material has no picmip anymore
        * HUD indicator for recording a demo
    Cvar changes:
        ws_axisRespawnTime [-1, n] default: -1 will use the default wolfpro spawntime
        ws_alliedRespawnTime [-1, n] default: -1 will use the default wolfpro spawntime
        ws_allowUpgrades [0,1] default 1: Enable / disble any upgrade
        w_skipMuzzleFlash [0,1] default 0 - skip weapon muzzleflash
        w_autoRecord[0,1] default 0 - will auto record a demo on match start, and stop it on match end
    Added Serverside Mapconfigs:
    The mod has now a new folder containing the mapscripts: wolfpro/maps/<mapname>.cfg
    At the moment those scripts only hold the respawn time. If you think that the times should be changed, 
    just change them in the corresponding map script.
    but remember, to enable this feature, your server cfg must contain the following cvar: g_execMapConfigs and it must be set to 1
    Added preset cfgs for:
        * avidemo: exec preset_avidemo
        * windowed: exec preset_windowed
        * fullscreen: exec preset_fullscreen
    Thats it, please report back at: http://forums.myhannes.info
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  • Wolfpro 0.1  
    von niGhteviL »
    Wolfpro 0.1 Release
    Changelog: http://forums.myhannes.info/wbb/index.php?page=Thread&postID=872#post872
    Extract the zip file to your games root directory
    start the server with the following arguments: +set fs_game wolfpro
    Extract the zip file to your games root directory
    start the game with the following arguments: +set fs_game wolfpro
    Your configs can remain in the base directory, wolfpro will read them from there
    this might be helpful: http://myhannes.info/wiki/index.php/Client_Setup
    This pak can be modifyd by the client! It contains at the moment the wolfenstein hitsounds
    Replace those files (keep the names) with your own hitsounds to have them working in wolfenstein
    Changelog: wolfpro 0.1 Beta -> wolfpro 0.1
        * 15/20 for bank,hospital,manor & canals
        * 15/25 for facility and tesla
        * Fixed all missing nade / panzerfaust / airstrike / flammenwerfer effects / explosions (first person)
        * Fixed ATI shadow bug
        * Fixed missing effect on tesla ( electrical barrier )
        * Fixed MP40 / MP43 falloff damage ( we need your feedback on that )
        * Fixed weapprev & weapnext fov bug
        * Panzerfaust was reworked. 20 Second shoot delay, no reload, faster, wider splash, more damage
        * HUD health / veil bars are colord now (white to red)
        * HUD fonts are smaller
        * HUD font elements have a shadow
        * Scope material has no picmip anymore
        * HUD indicator for recording a demo
    Cvar changes:
        ws_axisRespawnTime [-1, n] default: -1 will use the default wolfpro spawntime
        ws_alliedRespawnTime [-1, n] default: -1 will use the default wolfpro spawntime
        ws_allowUpgrades [0,1] default 1: Enable / disble any upgrade
        w_skipMuzzleFlash [0,1] default 0 - skip weapon muzzleflash
        w_autoRecord[0,1] default 0 - will auto record a demo on match start, and stop it on match end
    Added Serverside Mapconfigs:
    The mod has now a new folder containing the mapscripts: wolfpro/maps/<mapname>.cfg
    At the moment those scripts only hold the respawn time. If you think that the times should be changed, 
    just change them in the corresponding map script.
    but remember, to enable this feature, your server cfg must contain the following cvar: g_execMapConfigs and it must be set to 1
    Added preset cfgs for:
        * avidemo: exec preset_avidemo
        * windowed: exec preset_windowed
        * fullscreen: exec preset_fullscreen
    Thats it, please report back at: http://forums.myhannes.info
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  • Neuro Wolf 0.3  
    von niGhteviL »
    Neuro Wolf v0.3
    Author: Nicola "Neurological" Capecci
    Website: http://www.neuro-lab.net
    E-Mail: neurological AT neuro-lab DOT net  
    This mod is intended to change some of the Single-Player functions of Wolfenstein.
    The features are:
    Movements features
    - Decreased sprint head bobbling
    - Decreased melee attack head bobbling on all weapons (except bayonetta)
    - Decreased recoil head bobbling on MP40 and MP43
    - Changed Offset position on sprint animations for all weapons (now it looks more like RTCW when sprinting)
    - Increased FOV from 80 to 90 for both walk and sprint (for a movement like RTCW)
    - No more head bobbling when climbing ladders
    - No more delay on sprint start
    - No more jump and landing recovery time for perform quick jumps
    - Rescaled speed to heavy weapons (now the player have the same speed as holding an MP40 on all weapons) - New Updated v0.3
    Weapon features
    - MP40, MP43 pickups now give less ammo
    - New MP40 upgrade that adds incendiary ammunition unlockable on Castle (gold needed 3500, and it lower carryable ammo to 80)
    Hud features
    - Removed Button Tips on hud (like press F to pickup or Press R to reload) - New Update v0.3
    - Removed Stab icon on hud - New Update v0.3
    - Removed health warning from hud - New Update v0.3
    - Removed directional indicator of planted dynamite - New Update v0.3
    - Shortened transition time for ingame mainmenu - New Update v0.3
    - Enabled crosshair while sprinting - New Update v0.3
    Fixes v0.3
    - Fixed postprocess effects not loading with the mod
    - Fixed new upgrades strings name appearing also on MP43 and Kar98
    Misc features
    - Increased number of corpses on screen from 5 to 10  
    - Multilanguage support for the new upgrade name and description(still missing Polish and Russian).  
    - Added mod Wallpaper
    - Added new icon for link to desktop
    This mod is still work in progress. More features will be added.
    Extract the zip into your WolfSP folder (eg. x:/Program Files/Activison/Wolfenstein/WolfSP/) and run neuro_wolf.bat.
    Simply delete the file zzz-neurowolf.pk4 and neuro_wolf.bat from your WolfSP base folder.
    NOTE: If you are running another mod from the base folder, it may have conflicts with this one. Backup your other mods before
    installing this.
    Nicola "Neurological" Capecci - Def changes, Italian and English strings translation.
    Ansgar 'Berserk' Alsfasser - German strings translation.
    Olivier "__MaX__" Zuccaro - French strings translation.
    Robert 'bLiN_de' Ramirez - Spanish strings translation.
    Masensuk - Tester.
    Jarad "TinMan aka Tex" Hansen - Thanks for the pre-SDK guide for Wolfenstein and example files.
    Wolfenstein logo and Id logo are trademarks of Id Software, LLC. ©2004-2008 all rights reserved.  
    This mod is not supported by Id Software, LLC.
    No need to ask any permission if you want to use this mod for your projects such as mods or videos, but credits
    are appreciated.
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  • Risk 0.4 alpha  
    von niGhteviL »
    = Risk - A "Tweaks Mod" for Wolfenstein (2009) Single Player =
    Version: a4
    Date: 2009-09-04
    Author: Jarad Hansen aka TinMan aka Tex
    email: tinman_squad at hotmail
    NOTE: This mod is released pre-SDK using somewhat untested methods. The mod and it's methods may be invalidated by a SDK release.
    Furthermore, modding you game this way would be outside the bounds of Activision Technical Support.
    Basically don't request support if you are running a modded game.
    = What =
    A few tweaks to the Wolfenstein gameplay, started mainly as a proof of concept for pre-SDK modding.
    See Modding.txt in the modding folder for more info about that.
    The focus of the mod is to make it more challenging and fun.
    It seems as if the balance of the normal game was little changed from the console versions, and with the accuracy and reaction speed a mouse provides it's possible to slaughter normal soldiers very quickly.
    By improving the AI reaction times, the amount of damage they can take and their accuracy combat is a lot better (IMHO).
    The weapon upgrade system is also too lax in my opinion, making the standard rifles much too accurate and powerful too quickly.
    By upping the price you have to budget/choose a lot more carefully.
    = Change Log =
    Increased stamina recharge and max sprint time.
    Decreased sprint start delay.
    FOV increased from 80 to 90.
    Roll on sprint view decreased.
    Max corpses increased and remove time increased.
    More objects around the world are graspable, barrels, crates, chairs.
    Upgrade costs for MP40,MP43,Kar increased by ~ 2000.
    Kar silencer upgrade removed. It does not make for challenging gameplay.
    Players Mp40 - noLongRangeHeadshots. Still could do more testing to gauge the effect of this.
    Max ammo for MP40,43,Kar reduced.
    Base damage for MP40 increased from 5 to 8.
    Base damage for Kar increased from 20 to 30.
    Weapons and ammo now have to be manually picked up instead of just walking over them.
    All enemy soldiers health increased by 40.
    Sniffer health increased by 10.
    Elite guard health increased by 10.
    Soldiers with kar98 improved by decreasing spread adjustment max from 25! seconds to 3.
    Spread adjustment time reduced for MP40,43 wielding soldiers, as well as base spread.
    sightedNoAttackDuration decreased from 1.5 seconds to .5. This is the time between enemy spotting you and firing.
    AI mauser damage increased from 10 to 15.
    Heavy trooper particle canning damage increased from 1 per sec to 2.
    = Using the Mod =
    1. Installation: Unzip the risk-a1.zip into Wolfenstein\SP\ folder.
    2. Loading the mod: 
    Run 'Load risk.bat' in the Wolfenstein\SP\ folder.
    3. Playing: Load any save, the changes will be applied.
    = Installation = 
    Delete zz_risk-pak000.pk4 from Wolfenstein\SP\, and any other files that were included from risk-a1.zip.
    = Known Problems =
    Because of pre-sdk limitations, having more than one mod installed will lead to conflicts in the changed files.
    = Feedback =
    Email me at tinman_squad at hotmail
    Or on the Wolfenstein community forums with the user name TinManTex.
    = Distribution =
    Distribute as you will, just keep the zip unmodified. Sweet.
    = Thanks and credits to =
    Raven for creating a fun game.
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  • Wolfenstein Uncut Patch  
    von niGhteviL »
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  • Sharpmod 0.3  
    von niGhteviL »
    Shrapmod 0.3 Changelog
    *Tweaked footstep sounds, they now play about half as often as before also reduced volume slightly
    *Added invuln glowing feet effect(needs work) This is temporary till I find a better effect/icon
    *Added ET revive feedback sound
    *Tweaked sprinting/running animations (needs work but isn't as jerky when sprinting)
    *Replaced mp40 sound with rtcw one
    *Changed Invulnerability time to 4 seconds down from 5
    *Made mp40 and luger slightly more accurate
    *Reduced Medic ammo: mp40 64->32 rifle 25->10
    *Reduced Eng+Soldier ammo: mp40 96->64 rifle 25->20
    *Reduced move speed slightly 30% -> 25%
    *Reduced sprint speed by about 10%
    *Removed mp40 recoil/kick
    *Removed mp40 + mp43 knockback push and kick (This was bugged and caused many bullets to not register)
    *Removed Red Enemy Arrows
    *Added ET hitsounds
    *Increased panzer damage slightly
    *Removed bullet tracers
    *Made panzer charge sound non local

    Shrapmod 0.2 Changelog
    *Remove having to "pick up" docs with use key *DONE*
    *Remove Moving affecting aim *DONE*
    *Remove muzzleflash on mp40,mp43,pistol *DONE*
    *Fix (rework) pistol *DONE*
    *Make holding down shoot for too long increase spread by way more (3x-4x more?)higher *DONE*
    *Rework revive system from scratch *DONE* *Needs work*
    *Scale all movespeed up 30% *DONE*
    *Incresed HP 100->120 *DONE*
    *Increased HS damage multiplier from 2.0 -> 2.57 *DONE*
    *Add sprinting while strafing(maybe) *DONE*
    *Hitsounds from ET *DONE* separate pk4 file
    *Fix panzer *DONE* *Needs a little work*
    *Soldiers now move slower with panzer
    *Footsteps *DONE* may need to tweak range and volume
    *Removed stupid self spawn timer nonsense *DONE*
    *Changed attacking respawn time to 20 by default *DONE*
    *Changed defending respawn time to 30 by default *DONE*
    *Added reload sounds when ui_showgun = 0
    *Fix panzer explosion effect not always playing
    *Incresed range of smgs and pistol
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  • Wolfpro 01 Beta  
    von niGhteviL »
    Auflistung einiger Fixes und Veränderungen des Mods:


          * Fixed Console spam caused by a null entity call on the flamethrower


    Game HUD:

          * Rebuilt the HUD from scratch basically
          * Removed every component
          * Added a Spawntimer to the HUD (under the Map time)
          * Added a Ready Up indicator in warmups
          * Added a Fire Team to the HUD (this needs feedback)
          * Moved the Obituary List under the respawn timer and extended it to 6 Popups
          * Moved the Chat List to the left down side, and extended it to 5 Popups
          * Added a numeric HP display, aswell as a small bar
          * Added a numeric Veil Power display, aswell as a small bar
          * Added a numeric Grenade and Satchel / Healt pack / Ammo pack display. If you run out of charge, a chargebar will be displayed until its full again
          * Added a numeric Ammo display, aswell as a small bar. The bar will turn red on low ammo and on reloads
          * Added a weapon indicator icon, it will turn red on low ammo and on reloads
          * flipped the ammo symbol on the hud (hi bjorn)

    Scoreboard HUD:

          * Removed the solid backgroundimage when ingame.
          * Lowered the black background opacity when ingame.

    Gameplay changes:

    Spawn system:

          * Removed the personal wait time
          * The first spawn is random for both teams. This is because we dont want to have both teams spawning at the same time
          * Bank spawns are fixed to 13 seconds on the allied side and 14 seconds on the axis side
          * All other maps have a 15 seconds spawn for both teams

    Misc changes:

          * Raised footstep sounds
          * Lowered luger sound
          * Removed Weapon Tracers
          * Removed Weapon Muzzleflash
          * Localized the hitsounds: You will be able to put any sound you want as your hitsounds. The server does not need to have those sounds or package

    Weapon Changes:

          * MP40 spread when shooting from the hip was reduced to close to that of the ironsight
          * Grenade velocity is now a bit higher again, not as high as in the unpatched retail game

    Interaction System:

          * Objectives always had to pick up, now you can just walk over them to pick them up.
          * Syringe, or magical whatever, can be bound to _weapon2 and you can basically walk over the map with it
          * Pliers / Wrench can be bound to _weapon2 and you can basically walk over the map with it

    Graphical / Map Tweaks:

          * Removed Postprocess from the HUDs
          * Removed Dust from Maps
          * Removed Fog from Maps
          * Removed Effects from Maps
          * Removed Flash from main Objectives, kept them on the weapons
          * Removed leaf animations from trees
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  • Wolfenstein Minimizer 0.9  
    von niGhteviL »
    I would like present WolfensteinMinimizer
    Work on MultiPlayer and SinglePlayer Mode

    Usage: ALT+Z to minimizer/restore.

    Works with games:
    Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
    Return to Castle Wolfenstein

    File name: WolfensteinMinimizer.zip
    File size: 15,8 KB
    Author: Login
    Version: 0.9
    Website: [Games Minimizer] http://www.gamemin.110mb.com
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  • Wolfenstein Lite Server Patch 1.1 Win  
    von niGhteviL »
    <a href="https://rtcw-city.de/uploads/pics/users/bildgross.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="https://rtcw-city.de/uploads/pics/users/bildklein.jpg" border="0" ></a>
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  • Wolfenstein Client Patch 1.1 Win  
    von niGhteviL »
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  • Wolf3D-SW  
    von niGhteviL »
    Hier der 8 Jahre alte Kultklassiker
    801 KiB
  • Helix.ressurection  
    von niGhteviL »
    224.61 MiB


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